Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Shergeng N.A. 1 Kharitonova N.N. 1
1 Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University
1458 KB

In order to comprehend activity of a person in a given time period, we must evaluate not only spirit as it is, but also its direction in time and force. A spirit is identified from the first sight. It is a totality of actions that are happen in exact way, not another, aspirations, as special phenomenons that are concealed but at the same time closely interlaced with all consequences and circumstances. We can study spiritual life of a person as an object of imitation and standard of behavior, considering how its activity reflects in a given epoch. Life of a person does not only consist in life for one’s self, but mostly in life outside of our bodies, life for the others. Time period that is given to a person for life, even it is filled with creativity, is limited from one side by the finiteness of their mission, and from the other side – by inflow of new people: children, supporters. We should add the fact that most often noble spirits fail to find application, whilst vile intensions can integrate one’s life with ease. Ideas and thoughts, comprehensible for the majority, must be comprehensible for their consciousness. Therefore, all tutors face unacceptance of their ideas. Knowledge in itself comes first, but not a tool that can applied in real activity. But, committing truly moral acts lays above common human consciousness. Here is why all truly great is created rarely, and if it does, it emerges exclusively in hard conditions.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Fundamental research”, TUNISIA (Hammamet), June 9–16, 2015, came to the editorial office оn 29.05.2015.