Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Rumyantsev D.E., Lipatkin V.A., Epishkov A.A., Cherakshev A.V.

At present time, prevention of illegal timber trade is possible if there is any method of identification of place of wood origin. Currently, by order of the Federal Forestry Agency of Russian Federation the scientists from the MSFU dendrochronology laboratory have developed a technology to identify a place of origin of the cut timber which makes it possible to monitor international timber traffic. The technology involves creating dendrochronological data banks which help to identify a place of timber origin as well as woodland where the tree grew. The procedure of creating such data banks is as follows. A plot is assigned within each stratum (logging site). Then evaluation and geobotanical description of forest phytocenosis is done according to the standard form. Wood samples (cores) are taken from 20 sample trees of the Kraft’s class I–III. It is worth noting that samples are taken at the height of 1,3 m with a Pressler increment borer. Then the cores are packed, labeled and transported to the dendrochronological laboratory. Width of annual rings is measured to the accuracy of 0,01 mm at the cores. The measurement results are saved in the corresponding format and downloaded to the software package developed by the MSFU dendrochronology laboratory. A descriptor is made for each individual chronology. It includes a description of the plot where the wood sample was taken and tree stratum characteristics. The information is stored in a hierarchical way. Each individual chronology is included into a cluster on the basis of such features as a species, a forest district, an administrative district and a region. Software units ensure that more than 1 million possible identification algorithms are applied. The frequency of correct identification exceeded 90 % in the tests carried out in the Babayevo district of the Vologda region. A variety of ways to perform analyses makes the technology flexible and appropriate for different types of woody plants as well as for diverse forest types and various geographical conditions of European countries. Search patterns (functions to realize several consecutive algorithms) can be configured to facilitate the process of algorithm testing involving several looks. More full information are at the Internet resource


The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Modern problems of science and education”, Russia (Moscow), February, 10–12, 2015, came to the editorial office оn 25.01.2015.