Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Frolova М.S., Frolova T.A., Frolov S.V.

Current research in the field of medicine, particularly in oncology, requires comprehensive analysis of clinical and molecular genetic data. This data characterizes the individual characteristics of the patient. Improved methods of analysis make the study of the etiology of diseases, clinical trials possible. Such studies help to assess the effectiveness of therapy, as well as identification of various mutations. It is proved that during the storage of biological samples is extremely important for scientists to have constant access to the samples. In this case, the standardization of storage, easy retrieval of samples and the creation of a database of donors, history storage become urgent. To study the genetic processes associated with the appearance of cancer and to determine the effectiveness of the therapy it is especially important to maintain a constant temperature during the storage of the sample, to have the history of each sample documented, to have an easy access to the samples.

Automated storage systems are becoming increasingly popular in the diagnosis of diseases, the study of drugs, as well as in the research.

Automated storage systems must provide reliable automatic storage and management of samples. These systems exclude risk of human errors, reduce the laboratory staff to create optimal conditions for storage of the collection of biological samples. The ability to store different types of biological samples is an important part of such a system. Storage system must be able to store an RNA samples, DNA sample, tissues, microorganisms, and other plasma samples.

Some of the advantages of the automated storage systems are:

● automatic loading / unloading of samples;

● fast automatic search and sample delivery to the user;

● precise identification of the tubes by the barcode;

● built-in PC for managing the storage, reporting, and facilitate workflow;

● automatic history storage temperature reports, statistical data on freeze-thaw cycles for each sample;

● removing the possibility of unauthorized access to the samples.

Automated storage of biological samples are successfully used around the world, including the European Union, the USA, China and others.


The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Modern high technologies”, Israel (Tel Aviv), February, 20–27, 2015, came to the editorial office оn 10.02.2015.