Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301

About the succession of teaching biology to the foreign students of the preparatory faculty and the main faculties of the Rostov State Medical University

Zadorozhniy V.I., Voloschenko O.I., Roginskaya A.A., Abakumova L.V.

To optimize the teaching process and ensure the succession at the General biology and anatomy Department an educational-methodical complex (EMC) was created and is constantly being improved. The materials of this complex are composed in accordance with modern requirements to education, they are taking into account the specifics of work with foreign students of pre-University training, and they serve as effective tools in the organization of educational activity at the preparatory faculty. The complex includes a thematic plan indicating the amount of hours for the study
and going through each topic, depending on the time of the foreign students arrival. One of the technologies used for teaching biology is modular training. This education technology is used overall in the departments of the main faculties. It is an important element of educational succession at the preparatory stage of training and further studying at the various faculties of the University. The supposed modules are shared among semesters, taking into account their complexity and the students’ level of language competence. Composing the programme one should take into account the future professional orientation of the students and the requirements for students at the main faculties. The Department of General biology and anatomy is also using the rating system as the evaluation of educational activity and its results, which reflect the achievements of studying goals. It is also one of the elements of continuity in teaching, because the foreign students are getting accustomed to the rating system as a universal method of knowledge control from the time they are at the preparatory faculty. The succession of teaching is also evident in the fact that the preparatory faculty provides a knowledge base in anatomy: the students learn anatomical terminology, get acquainted with the general plan of the systems of organs structure, and with the mechanisms of their regulation. In this regard, the EMC section “Human Anatomy” is significant. Latin terminology is not obligatory for students of the preparatory faculty, but its use in the illustrative materials creates an additional motivation for mastering and further use of this terminology at the Department of Normal Anatomy at the main faculties of the of the Rostov State Medical University.

Thus, the EMC materials, as well as the methods of learning organization provide an additional pre-University training of foreign students and ensure the continuity of teaching at the preparatory faculty and main faculty of the University.


The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Didactics and competence in professional activity of the teacher of the medical school and college”, France (Paris), March, 17–24, 2015, came to the editorial office оn 27.01.2015.