Continuous changes in the area of industry, industrial relations are taking place in modern world, technologies are improving, and information and communication technologies are playing a greater part in the world economy. In order to realize oneself in the informational society, a specialist must have an idea of possible ways to improve organization of data, be able to search data throughout various sources, organize storage of information, have skills to use the received information in solving their professional problems, master and use new means of informational technologies.
The subject “Computer study and information technologies” contains the following divisions:
1. Informational culture. Familiarization with technologies of collecting, storing, processing, and transferring information, informational resources, principles of computer functioning. Mastering basic informational technologies of processing text, graphic, and digital information, work with databases and digital tables. Familiarization with basic principles of telecommunications. Training in the area of informational culture is majorly carried out within the computer study course of secondary school.
2. Training specialists to implement informational technologies in their professional activity takes place in a university. Program applications, required in professional activity of this specialist, are mastered. For example, students of construction specialties study systems of automatized projection (SAPR), economists – programs of forming accounting and tax reports, modeling social-economic processes, managers – applications of organizing digital exchange of document. New specialized applications are being introduced annually, and none educational institutions can keep up with them, therefore, students should not be trained to use a specific application, but prepared to master such applications on their own. Only in this case we can speak of training specialist who are able to compete with their rivals at modern labour market.
3. Studying methodics of using program and technical means of informational and communicative technologies includes facilitation of the global computer network not only in order to search for and transfer information, but also for real-time video communication and efficient usage of local networks. It is necessary to familiarize students with work of interactive blackboard of projector to organize reports and conferences, programs that create slide-shows. Future specialists should know principles of drawing a presentation and preparation for reports.
University education should not be directed towards a detailed mastering of separate applications, but should train future specialists to master new programs that they will refer to in their professional activity.
The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Prospects of development of university research” Sochi, September 23–27, 2014 came to the editorial office оn 11.09.2014.