Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Maslova T.N. 1
1 Russian Geologic State University, branch
This article is devoted to the purposefulness of developing conceptual model of anti-crisis management in agrarian business structure in terms of agricultural regions that provide for a development in its functional structure and formation of a new mechanism of financial provision of different subjects of property, and also in stimulating business activity. Studying the described directions is linked to a necessity of gradual realization of economic-institutional terms with attracting bank sector of economy.
anti-crisis management
agrarian business
conceptual model
bank sector

Alteration in state priorities in economic area, giving up plan methods economic control, and transition to market basics of business has led to emergence and existence of different forms of property. Formal re-organization of large agrarian business structures had no significant effect over the situation in agriculture. The stake on private property in agrarian sector of economy without a suitable control and support of an agricultural producer has put the letter face to face with cruel reality of market nature. Some of them have managed to get over it and survived in complicated conditions due to an outstanding energy and experience of leaders. However, more than 40 % of agrarian business structures of Russia are on an edge of almost complete shutdown of their activity, and their property complex can disappear.

These facts has defines the main purpose of developing a conceptual model of anti-crisis management of agrarian enterprises in terms of agricultural regions, that provide for a development in its functional structure and formation of a new mechanism of financial supply of various subjects of property, and also stimulating business activity. In order to realize the listed objectives we suggest the following gradual realization of economic-institutional conditions.

The first stage in realizing this concept of anti-crisis management of agrarian business structures of a region (on an example of Stavropol region): government of Stavropol region suggests agrarian business structures sign contracts on supplying goods for reasonable prices (a little over real market prices), on the 1st of September of this year. Besides, payment according to the contracts partially with money (30 %) at the moment of signing contract, and the rest of it (70 %) – in governmental notes of hand with clearing off on the 1st of October of the same year. The emitted money of paper bill can be accepted as means of paying debts with regional budget. Financial resources (30 %) are formed of money that are assigned in regional budget for buying products for state reserves.

The means, necessary for defining definite agricultural operations, include futures contracts. In case there are not enough financial resources, agrarian business structures can sell paper bills to special authorized financial companies that would place it with supplies of fuel, for example. Of course, selling and buying paper bills before the period of their existence goes with a discount. Such mechanism of financing allows us to provide credit for agrarian business structures at a regional level.

The second stage of realizing the concept into the system of utilized institutes of futures contracts on buying agricultural products. Futures contract on buying products of agrarian area are introduced. Thus, region government obtains a possibility to attract additional money that can be directed to solve problems in sectors of producing agricultural raw materials and its industrial processing. Placing contracts that are supported by a region government provides for an increase in efficiency of managing financial resources.

Realization of the suggested concept allows a subject of Russian Federation to regulate prices at agrarian market with financial instruments. The third stage includes development of investing projects that are aimed to develop measures on creating optimal conditions for development of market relations, introduction of new technologies, formation of favourable social-household conditions for villagers.

One of the important investment source of financing investments, including agriculture, is bank sector.

Complex financial condition of business subjects in agrarian area points the purposefulness of setting benefits in paying off ground for agrarian business structures that are involved into processing their own raw materials and decrease in part of federal budget in case enterprises place mini-factories of processing agricultural raw materials on these territories. An effective economic measure of stimulating agricultural re-production can be an abolition of benefit for business subjects that buy or import materials for non-productive purpose that was included into the Tax Code of RF. Stimulating import with such tax benefit directs producers towards goods-mediatory activity and limits abilities of the domestic production. Thus, decrease in degree of fiscal tax system in agriculture is a necessary condition in emergence and development of agrarian business in Russia.