Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Chigrinskiy E.A.

The glucose oxidation pentosophosphate pathway has its great vital significance for the exchange processes in the testes. The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH; KF is one from the key enzymes of the given metabolic pathway. So, the main paper´s goal - is to be studied the G6PDH in the rats´ testes at the exercise stress and the physical activity various regimes.

This experiment has been carried out at the 40 male rats, having had their 240 ± 20 gr. mass. So, the exercise stress and the physical activity influence upon these rats has been studied by the forced their swimming method with the 10 % load from the animal´s body mass. In the end, all these animals have been divided into the four, equal in number, groups (n = 10). The first group has been made up the intact rats. The second group - the control ones, which swam without any load. The third group - the rats with the exercise stress and the physical activity optimal regime. The fourth group - with the exercise stress and the physical activity excessive regime. So, the total protein content and the G6PDH activity by the NADP+ recovery rate have been defined in the erythrocytes and in the testes. Then, the NADPH concentration increase has been registered at the 340 nm wavelength during the reaction. The obtained data statistical processing has been carried out with the Student´s test (t) application. The communication measurement between the variables has been made by means of the correlation analysis by Spierman ®.

All the received data during the experiment are being testified on the fact, that the exercise stress and the physical activity optimal regime is not considerably influenced upon the G6PDH activity, as in the erythrocytes, well as in the testes. So, the exercise stress and the physical activity excessive regime has been resulted in the G6PDH activity decrease in the fourth group rats´ erythrocytes for 52 % (p = 0,040), for 64 % (p < 0,001), and for 49 % (p = 0,006), in comparison with the similar index at the first, the second, the third groups´ rats, correspondingly. So, the G6PDH activity of the fourth group has been for 44 % (p = 0,001), and 43 % (p < 0,001) lowered in the rats´ testes, as compared with the similar index at the first, the second groups´ rats, correspondingly. Thus, the correlation coefficient between the G6PDH activity has been made up r = 0,489 (p = 0,026) at the excessive exercise and the excessive physical activity in the erythrocytes and in the testes.

Thus, it has been found out, that the exercise stress and the physical activity optimal regime is not considerably influenced upon the G6PDH activity in the testes during the carried out study and the research. So, the exercise stress and the physical activity excessive regime has been resulted in the G6PDH activity decrease in the erythrocytes and in the testes, that is being testified to the pentose cycle inhibition under all these conditions. Then, it is quite possible to be viewed and to be determined on the pentose cycle intensity in the testes by the G6PDH activity in the erythrocytes.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Basic researches», Croatia, July, 25th - August, 1st, 2011, came to the editorial office оn 26.05.2010.