Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Semenova A.D., Yadrikhinskaya L.S.
The ethno – cultural education has been declared, as the considerable, the social, and the educational challenge, which is being considered, as the human rights and the nations’ possibilities realization field in the national Russian regions. «The Content Ethno – Pedagogization and the Education Technologies Model» has already been developed by the creative staff of the Pedagogical Institute of the Yakut State University. The teaching and the education ethno – cultural technologies application program, having developed with due regard for the consumers wishes, will be claimed in the regional education system. All the given technologies, separately, have already passed the wide approval in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) schools. The teaching collective method technology, which is being created the rational and the efficient conditions for the universal competences, the general educational abilities and the skills formation, having promoted the self – developing personality upbringing, is one from the most efficient and the perspective one from the recommended ones, in connection with the transition for the FSTSs.
The Russian Federation formation national doctrine (e.g. 2000) has already defined «the Russian peoples ethnic and the cultural - nationally originality and the unique identity, their cultures humanistic traditions preservation and the support», as one from the State´s main tasks.

Thus, the most significant education tasks have already been formulated in the Russian education modernization Conception for the period up to the 2010 year: the civil responsibility and the legal self - consciousness, the spirituality and the culture, the initiative, the independence, the tolerance, the ability to the successful socialization in the society and to the active adaptivity on the labor market schoolchildren´s formation. All these and the same tasks have already been designated in the development State program Conception of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) formation for 2007-2011 -es. The RF Constitution regulations (e.g. the Articles: 1, 2, 13, 29, 43, 44, 45) and the RC (Ya) Constitution (e.g. the Articles: 22, 32, 34, 42, 46), having guaranteed the rights to the ethno - cultural originality and the unique identity reproduction, to the mother tongue teaching, to the conditions creation for the mother tongue, the national cultures and the originality and the unique identity preservation and the development provision are being confirmed in all these documents.

Thus, the ethno - cultural education has been declared, as the significant social and the educational challenge, which is being considered, as the human rights and the peoples´ possibilities realization field.

The ethno - pedagogics, as of its right, is being recognized by the national salvation pedagogics, having presented the poly - cultural education basis under the cultures dialogues conditions. Exactly, on the one hand, «the human individual consciousness formation is being taken its place, and he defines his place in the already existing picture of the world» [1, the Article 17], but, on the other hand, «the pluralicity and the tolerance regulations preservation and the improvement» [1, the Article 18] are being taken their place under the regional ethnic culture influence.

«The Сontent Ethno - Pedagogization and the Education Technologies Model» has been developed by the creative staff of the Pedagogical Institute of the Yakut State University. This project realization, to our mind, will be allowed to be reached the following results, having needed in the education contemporary standards:

- «Our New School» program regulations realization (e.g. D.A. Medvedev);

- each school and every teacher will become good (e.g. A.A. Fursenko);

- the spiritual, the creatively self - developing and the tolerant to all the other cultures personality upbringing, who is quite able to be worked in the commands;

- the high level achievement of the general - cultural, the personal - social competences, the high quality knowledge, the general and the occupational education level rise, as in the separately taken educational Institution, well as in the whole educational system.

In this connection, the teacher personality role is being constantly increased, as well as the demands to his professionalism are being constantly increased. We have found out the significant methodological explanation of the teacher personality role, as the teaching process subject at the Academician G.N. Volkov: «It is quite impossible to be appeared without any knowledge at the loved ones. It is quite impossible to be mad, dirty, lazy, oppressed, scared, and envious... It is quite impossible to be the manipulated person» [2, the Article 181]. Not only the deep psychological demands to the teacher´s personality, but and the new educating teaching vision have already been reflected in this small moral code: the classical didactics is quite able to become the contemporary one only in the unity with the life, the pupils´ social and the cultural environment. The main idea is being contained in this short and the clear statement on the fact that the only deeply moral man, having sincerely loved the children, his homeland and the state, having freed from any stereotypes and, above all, - he, having respected the peoples´ customs and the traditions, is quite able to teach and to bring up the pupils. For all this, he has to be able to teach and, simultaneously, to bring up in the integrated process: as by the main content, well as by the teaching technologies, and, moreover, by his example.

The educating teaching methodology, inherent in all the peoples and the ethnoses, has already been reflected in the interethnic harmony Model by G.N. Volkov: the minimum - program - is the interethnic consent, the optimum - program - is the international solidarity, the maximum - program - is the international harmony reliably functioning ethno - pedagogical model creation. At the same time, we hope, that the developed, with due regard for the consumers´ wishes, the teaching and the education ethno - cultural technologies use program will be demanded in the regional education system.

The intercultural harmony ethno - pedagogical model development necessity has been caused by the following contradictions in the contemporary educational situation: the teaching and the curricular material content widening, the insufficiently efficient teaching technologies; the school orientation for the teaching function and, consequently, the teaching process vast educational possibilities ignoration; the pupils´ abilities natural potential and the school life limited atmosphere; the interactive learning technology vast possibilities in the pupils´ socialization and its restricted application in the practical learning; the society needs in the rising and the coming generation familiarization with the general - national and the universal values, with the nation´s national culture and the traditions, and the teachers´ insufficient preparation and their training for the teaching and the educational process ethno - pedagogization.

The ethno - cultural education is the Russian state education organic constituent part, as the poly - ethnic country, the multi - dimentional socio - cultural and the organizational - pedagogically phenomenon, having based on the activity, which is directed at the ethno - cultural values creative mastering (e.g. the language and the literature, the history and the cultures, the peoples´ spiritual heritage). So, the continuous ethno - cultural education technologies introduction is quite necessary at the general and the vocational education all the levels, in the family and in the Sakha Republic (e.g. Yakutia) peoples vital and the life activity social sphere.

This project´s aim is the following:

- the learning self - developing and the harmonious personality upbringing, as the ethnos subject and the multiethnic state citizen in the activity of the continuous self - perfection in the small staffs.

The ethno - pedagogical model is being based on the following principles:

- the national upbringing role rise, as the young man psychical and the moral preparedness and the readiness formation mechanism to live in the quickly changeable world;

- the teaching value - informationally field dialogicality, having based on the respect to the trainee´s position;

- the education humanitarian nucleus widening, by means of the Russian culture moral - spiritually potential inclusion into the educational process.

The given education model is being applied the completely approved solutions and the corresponding procedures:

a) the pedagogical process maximum approaching to the population´s life;

b) the school subjects content enrichment by the local history material;

c) the teaching technologies perfection, having taken into the consideration the children´s ethno - psychological peculiarities and the specific features (3);

d) the teaching and the upbringing at the mother tongue.

It goes without saying, the upbringing does not substitute the extra - study educational work in the in the educational process, on the contrary, it repeatedly intensifies its efficiency.

As the obtained experience has been shown, the most efficient technologies of the project realization are the following:

  • the interactive learning and the interactive upbringing technology, or the collective teaching method (CTM);
  • the «Satabyl» (e.g. «The Skills and the Abilities Formation») efficient technology;
  • the familiarization technologies to the aesthetics and the healthy way of the living.

The teacher is making the educational space in the interactive learning process, where each personality is carrying out the learning and the trainer, that it is promoted his the quickest adaptation in the staff. The learnings´ all the essential forces and the abilities harmonious development, their mental and the intellectual, the spiritual - morally, the volitional - emotionally and the activity spheres are being taken its place in such activity process (4). The given technology introduction is being created the rational and the efficient conditions for the universal competences, the general study abilities, the skills and the habits formation, having promoted the self - developing personality upbringing and the education.

The «Satabyl» efficient technology, as the human activity methods development pedagogical instruments, is being presented itself the moral - spiritually and the labor upbringing and the education integration (5). The given proper economy management has been achieved under the Northern severe conditions, owing to the people activity qualitative and the universal methods development special experience accumulation. The given technology is being promoted the patriot´s qualities formation, in the full measure, as it is closely connected with the Yakutia peoples´ life and the labor tradition.

The familiarization technologies to the aesthetics and the healthy way of the living are being directed at the personality´s highest necessities formation and the development, the spiritual renovation on the basis of the traditions, the native land culture, and also the universal values. At present, the moral - spiritually enthusiasm, the spiritual symbols canonization, the world´s ethnic picture aesthetic consciousness process is being proceeded on in the Sakha Republic (e.g. Yakutia). For all this, the way to the universe cultural code of the beautiful perception has already been opened up.

So, the national, and the original culture, having interspersed with all the life spheres and the human activity, is being exerted the influence upon it through its forms and the types, having brought up and having formed it, from the ethics, aesthetics, and the moral point of view. The aesthetic education is being carried out, by means of the communication with the art, the human inclusion into the beautiful, the elevated creation in all the life spheres. The Yakutian peoples´ spiritual symbols are being based upon the environmental nature eastheticism, having already become the human nature humanization source (6).

The Content Ethno - Pedagogization and the Teaching
and Education Technologies Model



The healthy - developmental technologies are being rendered the integral humanistic influence upon the personality, upon the physically healthy, the enriched spiritually personality, by means of the familiarization to the physical culture studies and the sport, including to the national types of the sport (7).


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  5. Kondratev P.P., "The Schoolchilren´s Activity Universal Function Development in the Educational Space. (Satalogy)". Yakutsk, The EPKRO Publishing House, 2009. - p.344;
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