Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Petrenko V.M.
Cardiovascular system is formed as closed circular system of blood vessels with anastomoses and collaterals including lymphatics which are many in peripheral vascular bed. Undirect anastomoses (semishunts) are "connected up" tissues: together they organize metabolism between blood and tissues. Peripheral vascular bed, especially microcirculatory bed (MCB), in functional plan is the hydraulic reductor - the construction for reduction of blood flow (lymphatic bed as supplementary to veins drainage of organs begins in micro-districts of MCB) and blood pressure to level when metabolism between blood and tissues сan take place (frequent branching of arteriae and arteriolae) and for constant blood pressure is preserved in MCB (frequent and different anastomoses on different levels of MCB organization). From the point of view cardiovascular system consists of pump (heart) and reductor (microvessels in connection with tissues), between them conduits stretched - pressure (аоrta and its branches, venae cavae and their roots - closed system of blood circulation together with heart and MCB) and unpressure (lymphatic bed). Lymphatic bed beginning from its roots in micro-districts of MCB plays role of venous collaterals and develops from it in phylogenesis and ontogenesis by means of reducing of connections with magistral vascular bed (pressure conduit) on gradient of blood pressure. In result lymphatic bed unloads venous bed by means of accumulation of surplus tissue fluid as lymph including large particles and cells which cannot penetrate through thickenning walls of venous capillaries. Their basal membrane cuts off lymphatic collaterals.
The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Prospects for the development of university science» (Sochi), September 22-25, 2010, came to the editorial office on 05.06.2010.