Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Chrishtop V.V., Ulyanovskaya S.A.
In Russia in medical higher education institutions traditionally anatomy and histology are studied within the framework of different disciplines. It is conditioned by the having formed tradition, methods of the material study and the succession in students´ teaching. For the microstructures´ development up to the mark another material security, behavior and activity types are required. All this is easier to organize in conditions of the Anatomy and Histology Departments independency.

However, besides a large amount of advantages it forms a range of features in these Departments´ activities integration. Their final objective is the formation of an integral idea of human morphology; that is necessary both for other disciplines development and practical physician´s work. For example: For an adequate idea of hypothalamo-hypophyseal system work the integration of knowledge about brain pathways and hypothalamus topography, which the student gets at anatomy classes, and knowledge about their cellular composition, which are taught in the course of histology, is necessary; saying nothing of the fact that the data about embryogenesis taught in these courses complement each other, partially duplicating.

In the process of training the integration of fundamental morphological knowledge, in the point of the fact, is carried out in senior courses as far as clinical specialties study. Thus, either in-patient Departments´ teachers or students individually have to be engaged in it. Therefore, for the adaptation of fundamental knowledge to a clinic the Departments issue special teacher editions, introduce courses, conduct lessons in hobby groups. However, these activities do not solve the problem of morphological knowledge integration. For that matter we created a morphological teacher edition "Endocrine system". In its creation both anatomists and histologists took part. In this textbook the following is according to a single plan: the introduction, macrostructure, topography, blood and nerve supply, minute structure, functions, morphogenesis, a short excursus into clinics; endocrine glands traditionally studied in the courses of  Histology, Cytology and Embryology or in the course of Human Anatomy within the framework of "Endocrine system" or organs exercising endocrine function, are considered. Also the textbook is complemented by a glossary of the used there clinical terms.

The textbook is presented in two versions. The first and more complete - the multimedia one - is supplied with original interactive schemes, drawings and microphotographs. This version is executed in the form of web-pages united by hyperlinks. The second - printed - is a more reduced one. It is connected with the fact that not all students can afford having a personal computer at home.

The given textbook when being created was considered by us as an additional one to the main training literature. It can also be used as a reference book for graduates, interns and medical advisers. Now there is a great amount of multimedia aids on human anatomy and histology which elucidate the specified disciplines in the detailed and quality manner. Our textbook together with the available, both printed and multimedia, aids and reference books enables providing interdisciplinary integration of fundamental knowledge about human endocrine system morphology.

The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference "Modern natural scientific education", China (Beijing), 26 November - 4 December, 2007, came to the editorial office on 09.11.07.