Russia actively reforms the Higher Professional Education system, seeks for the most optimal ways, forms and technologies of its development. In December 2005 the "Federal Education Development Purpose-Oriented Program for 2006-2010" was approved by the Russian Federation Government Regulation. The Program provides the Russian educational system competitiveness enhancement relevance; the society development accelerated rate, the political and social choice empowerment; the transfer to the society of knowledge with a considerable expansion of intercultural cooperation. It is underlined in the Program that the native educational system is an important factor of preserving Russia in the row of leading countries of the world and its international image as the country possessing a high culture, science and education level.
The implementation of the denoted in the Program purposes and intents of the RF educational system development requires adequate actions aimed at the activity organization models change and higher educational institutions administration:
- the missions and strategies acceptance and development process initiation;
- the higher education institutions´ innovative organization models development and higher institutions´ managerial improvement;
- the present-day educational technologies mass introduction into the academic activity;
- the switching to a credit-module organization of higher professional education study programs and building a flexible system of the academic activity control;
- the education quality control implementation and development;
- the financial administration advanced models use;
- the academic activity control information-technology systems introduction;
- the higher institution new personnel management models´ development and introduction;
- the educational marketing activity development in higher educational institutions.
The quoted list of innovations can be augmented proceeding from a concrete problem situation and the strategy accepted by the institution.
Serious problems in higher professional education of Russia should be considered as the result of its economic and social development in the context of the world´s development. In our opinion, the following problems are referred to the number of such ones:
- the promotion of higher professional education importance in connection with the world´s economy globalization and transfer of the leader-countries to the knowledge-based innovation economics;
- the severization of requirements to specialists´ training quality within the higher professional education system and the gap elimination between the market demands and higher school graduates training content;
- the severization of requirements to the efficiency of scientific work results use for Russia´s share increase in the world´s joint intellectual product;
- the creation of innovation activity support mechanisms within the higher professional education system;
- the development of new academic knowledge model based on the applied context of knowledge, transdisciplinarity, education forms´ organizational variety and social responsibility for the knowledge produced;
- the formation of a new strategic vision in higher professional educations management.
In conditions of the transfer to a postindustrial civilization, appearing the technology systems combining technological and social innovations into a socio-technical process, the highly qualified specialists´ training problems are becoming priority-oriented. A high professional and educational level of specialists - is an important condition for the economy development innovation model formation. Of course, in the present-day fast-moving world the accumulation of knowledge and its renewal should be performed continuously using different forms of training and retraining, an important place among which is taken by getting higher education. In this connection it is necessary to decide the matter of what ambitions the educational process should face at higher school. Should it be limited with training specialists possessing deep knowledge in prescribed subjects or set the objective of training creative personalities able to solve substandard problems? The appearing in the government officials´ and economists´ training programs of such disciplines as "Innovation Management", "Innovation Business Activity", "Methods of Social and Economic Forecast" - is the result of global changes in the approaches of training specialists, the activity of which will be performed in the period of economy innovation model formation.
The changes in training approaches shouldn´t be limited with the composition change of the courses being read. The difficulty is that they involve much more than simple study of new materials and renaming old programs. A full-scale cultural transfer, which in the field of economic and managerial education will mean the research and teaching methods and training technologies change, is required. The existing today education system´s orientation to the ready knowledge reproduction by students should be overcome and the conditions for the development of productive thinking guaranteeing the future specialists´ readiness for setting and solving complex innovation economy problems should be created. The educational standards require the combination of curricular (class) and extracurricular (independent) students´ work, a significant attention being paid to students´ active solitary work preconditions formation. Today it is difficult to hope that a simple teaching load reduction will allow promoting the independent scientific and academic work of students. Under the conditions of insufficient level of higher education institutions´ libraries equipment, a relatively poor computer equipment status and the world´s information resources access security the education technology change - is an extremely difficult problem. To solve them great financial expenditures and a serious, diligent scientific methodical work on the formation of all students´ independent work´s elements and components (tests, assignments for submission, cases, practical courses) are required.
Although education is called one of the national priorities, financial problems remain topical. Partially higher institutions try to solve them at the expense of the means got from commercial activity, generally form the paid educational services delivery. Another important source of additional financial resources attraction to higher institutions is grants, borrowed money given on a competitive basis by native and foreign organizations.
The RF Department of Education and Science announced the second round of the competitive selection of higher professional education establishments introducing innovation educational programs for the purpose of rendering state support for them by means of providing subsidies in the volume from 200 to 1000 million rubles in 2007-2008. The State-run Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (SEI HPE) "Altai State University", taking part in the competition, considers the development and introduction of its innovation activities on the formation of an integrated scientific-innovation educational park on the basis of the SEI HPE "Altai State University" for the purpose of the continuous multilevel education new models effective realization, the citizens´, society´s and labour market´s demands for quality education satisfaction to be the target of its innovative education program implementation. For the stated objective achievement the following problems´ salvation is needed:
- The creation of an integrated scientific-innovation university educational park on the basis of the SEI HPE "Altai State University".
- The provision of an administrative-structural, regulatory, scientific-methodical, financial-economic and material-technical unity of scientific and educational activities on the ground of innovation principles of organization and management.
- The development and introduction of new educational programs on profile directions of training, retraining and qualification upgrading, which correspond to the main ideas of the Bologna and Copenhagen Processes, for the purpose of the Russian professional education competitiveness enhancement in the international market of educational services.
- The cooperation of profile establishments of different level professional education for the implementation of continuous education programs.
- The creation of conditions for the formation of individual trajectory study within the framework of multilevel educational programs.
- Monitoring, forecasting and forming labour markets, educational services and high technologies for the purpose of advanced personnel and scientific-engineering support of progressive advance of Russian economy.
- Carrying out of fundamental and applied research and experimental-designing on the priority orientations of science and education.
- The development of new organizational forms and structures in the field of science, education and innovations.
- The formation of stable relations with specialized industrial and scientific organizations in terms of scientific, educational and innovation activities integration.
- The formation of long term contract relations with strategic partners on the main scientific-educational business lines.
- The international cooperation development in scientific, educational and innovation activities, students´, aspirants´ and young teachers´ mobility promotion for the purpose of opportunities extension of their participation in the system of international continuous education and academic initiatives.
- The development of mechanisms of promotion and support of teachers´ participation in real scientific investigations and innovative workings.
- The development of modern information technologies in the education and integrated scientific-innovation university park management.
The authors of the article, being the developers of the specified innovative educational program, have offered their variant of innovation changes in a concrete university. In 2007 25-40 higher education establishments of Russia will be able to get the state financial backing, but the indirect effect from carrying out such a competition is manifested for the system of higher professional education in the possibility for every higher institution to find an optimal combination of innovative development forms and methods.
In our opinion, evaluating the higher education development prospects in conditions of innovative economy model formation, the traditions of highly qualified specialists´ preparing for practical activity should be retained and the purposeful researchers´ training should be developed. The new economics of Russia requires new knowledge and high education level of Russian citizens.
The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference "Methodology of education managerial improvement", USA (New York), 19-27th December 2007г., came to the editorial office on 09.11.07.