Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Khokhlov R.Yu.

The study of mechanism of the development of a structure reproductive organs of birds remains by a urgent question. The knowledge of features of stages of the development reproductive organs will help to find resources, which will allow increasing efficiency of poultry. Morphology of reproductive organs of birds during development studied many scientists all over the world, however problems of the mechanism of development reproductive organs have study short.

Sharandak V.I. has offers to choose seven periods of growth and development oviduct in postnatal ontogeny: first period - relative rest, which lasts up from hatching to 60-day age; second period - intensive growth and development oviduct, last till 120 days; third period - complete differentiation of the oviduct on departments, last till 150 days; fourth period - beginning oviposition, last about 360 days; sixth period - attenuation oviposition, last about 480 days; seventh period - involution, start since 540 days.

The purpose of our researches was study of mechanism of development of weight of a body and oviduct of the hens "Lohmann Brown" in postnatal ontogeny with the subsequent definition of critical stages its development.

Analysis facts shows, that the intensive gain of alive weight of chickens proceeded with daily up to 150-days age for this interval of time alive weight of chickens has increased by 45, 1 times. As for to weight oviduct, it for the similar period has increased by 5533, 3 times, and the sharp increase of weight oviduct occurred during 120-150 days by 104, 2 times. It is necessary to note, that in the period about daily to 120-days age weight of the oviduct has increased only on 0, 469 g, that is practically did not develop. The age 150 days is to the periods, when alive weight reaches the peak and becomes concerning constant. The change of oviduct length proceeds in the same law, as its weight. So for the period 1-120 days it has increased by 3, 9 times, and for the period 120-150 days by 6, 6 times. The jump has taken place within 5 months, when the relative gain of length oviduct has made 147, 4 %.

The growth of weight of a body of the hens is active on 1 and 2 months of development, and oviduct on 4 and 5. These parameters are reduced, accordingly on 6, 7 and 6 month.

Thus, having compared the received results on weight of a body, weight and length of oviduct, it is possible to make the conclusion that the increase of alive weight of the hens occurs per the first 5 months and further is stabilized. In development oviduct, opposite, the first 4 months are the period of relative rest. And since 4 months there is an intensive development of an organ. The period 120-150 days, when weight of oviduct is increased by104 times, and length by 6, 6 times is necessary to consider critical.

The work was submitted to III international scientific conference «Actual problems of science and education», Cuba, March, 19-29, 2008, came to the editorial office 15.01.2008