In recent years a great interest has been attracted to pharmaceutical preparations of sea hydrobionts containing 1-O-alkyl-diacylglycerols (ADG). ADG at entry to digestive tract are broken down to form high activity biological compounds, when affected by lipases, - 1-O-alkylglycerols (AG), which are responsible for hemopoietic, radioprotective, antitumor properties of ADG-containing pharmaceutical preparations. In single publication there is information about antioxidant properties of the preparations rich in ADG. It is AG that are supposed to play an important role in the manifestation of antioxidant properties of the given pharmaceutical agents. The purpose of the work has been the study of 1-O-alkylglycerols´ influence on the antioxidant defence system in rats at alimentary dislipidemy (DLP), the 1-O-alkylglycerols being obtained from natural ADG.
The model of alimentary DLP was caused by unbalanced fat composition nutrient budget including high-caloric products and cholesterol. The model development criterion served the cholesterol level in blood serum and liver of the rats exceeded the initial one by more than 1/3. After the development of DLP the rats were given AG intragastrically in the dosage of 0,4 g/kg from the rat´s body mass for 30 days (Novgorodtseva T.P., 2007). The 1-O-alkylglycerols were obtained by the method of ADG hydrolysis from the liver lipids of Commander Squid Berryteuthis magister. The total antioxidant activity (TAA) of rats´ blood plasma and the catalase activity in erythrocytes were investigated. The level of initial (hydroperoxide of lipids) and final (malondialdehyde) lipoperoxidation products in blood by the spectrophotometric method was determined.
The DLP formation in rats was attended by the lipid peroxidation products accumulation and general antioxidant and catalase blood activity decrease. After using AG the catalase activity increase and the lipid hydroperoxide level decrease in blood plasma were detected in the rats, the TAA normalization and tendency to malondialdehyde concentration decrease were registered. The research findings can testify to antioxidant properties of natural AG, that gives an opportunity to extend the ADG-containing lipids´ application at various pathologies attended by the decrease of antioxidant state of the body.
The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference «Present-day problems of experimental and clinical medicine», Thailand-Cambodia, February 20-28, 2008, came to the editorial office on 10.12.07