The carried out analysis of psychologists´, sociologists´ and philosophers´ papers testified that the ideas of "personality development", "personality formation", "socialization" and also "individualization" often proved to be put into one and the same synonymic row. However, they are not interchangeable.
The idea of "personality formation" is used in two senses in native science. First, the formation of personality is considered as the development of the last, the process and result of the first. In this sense the idea of "personality formation" is the subject of a psychological study, the aim of which is to find out what is available (is revealed experimentally, becomes apparent) and what can be available in the developing personality in conditions of a purposeful educational impact. The second sense - is the formation of personality as its purposeful education. A.S. Makarenko called this process "personality engineering". This is a proper pedagogical treatment of the personality formation methods and aims division. The given approach supposes a necessity to find out what and how should be formed in the personality, so that it could meet socially conditioned demands, which the society places on it.
Thus, the idea of "personality formation" is wider in its content, and the idea of "personality development" is its component.
An axiological approach based on the acknowledgement of the personality development priority within one humanistic system of values, when their cultural and ethnic differences retain, traditions and creativity are equal, the necessity of the past and present schools study and use are acknowledged, appears as the initial methodological position.
The idea of "socialization" is used to specify the human and the society interaction. This idea has an interdisciplinary status and is widely used in psychology.
I.S. Kon determines socialization as "social experience digestion, in the course of which a concrete personality is created". A close to this one determination of socialization is given by B.L. Parygin, who thinks that the process of socialization represents entering a social setting, adaptation to it, certain roles and functions mastering, which, after their predecessors, is repeated by every separate individual for the whole history of his formation and development.
The personality social type-design practice tendencies (the digestion of social stereotypes and standards, role behavior models by an individual) allow considering socialization as the process of adaptation and integration of the human socially by means of the digestion of social experience, norms, orientations peculiar both for the society as a whole and separate groups.
By virtue of its natural activity a personality retains the tendency for autonomy, independence, freedom, the formation of its own position, inimitable individuality. The given tendency characterizes socialization as the process of personality self-development and self- actualization, in the course of which not only realization of the adopted system of social experience and relations, but also creation of new ones including personal, individual experience, occurs.
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The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Modern education. Problems and solutions», Thailand - Cambodia, February 18-28, 2009, came to the editorial office on 10.12.2008.