Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Yermolaev J.V.

Any frame of reference of a HEI (retraining center) can be represented in the form of an aggregate of processes. For every process the parameters of resources´ quality, input/output data (results) are identified, the "input and output suppliers and consumers" are defined. The main processes (the value increase chain) - are the educational service life cycle ones, which create knowledge, abilities and skills directly and increase the value of the service. These processes are aimed at the users´ and consumers´ satisfaction. The supporting processes and procedures (monitoring) provide the value creation possibility and also functioning the processes and activities within the quality management system. Thereat, the sequence of these processes, their efficiency criteria and methods should be defined; the availability of resources and information to support, monitor, measure and analyse the processes should be guaranteed and a system of measures necessary to achieve the planned results at the implementation of the processes and their constant improvement should be created. For all the elements of this typical circuit the quality measurers are established, the input data, processes, resources and data out quality specifications are recorded. The input data are the evaluations of knowledge of earlier studied disciplines´ units most important to teach (some basic training is necessary), the input data suppliers are the teachers of the previous academics (from now on by academics we shall mean the experience of practical work with software and facilities together with the discipline as it is). The data out are the evaluations of results, the data out consumers are the teachers of the following academics. The resources are the personnel, programs, hardware components, methods, teaching materials and information. The quality is defined by the consumer´s satisfaction level, training outcome, regularity of detection and elimination of training defects and other parameters. This is the quality management approach based on the cooperation of suppliers, executors and consumers, when each of them performs both the role of a "supplier" and "consumer" at the same time.

The education management requires a special scientific grounding of its participants. It is not carried out today for the lack of the developments necessary for this. That is why the education management participants follow their only personal experience and the declared pedagogical recommendations in their work. The abovementioned gives the ground to formulate the native education management main problem of our time: "How to provide the citizens of the country with good education in modern cultural-historical conditions at the resources being at the disposal of the native educational system?" Its settlement together with many other things requires the development of the conception and organizational and managerial logical-mathematical decisions optimization apparatus of academic activity by means of the calculated forecasting of their academic and economic efficiency, which would allow implementing the specialist training quality increase strategy at the limited resources and higher school motivations.

The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Quality Management System in Education », Vietnam (Fanthiet), January 24 - February 4, 2009, came to the editorial office on 10.12.2008.