The relevance of the article is due to the need to determine and substantiate the technology for the formation of professionally important qualities in future officers in a modern military educational organization of higher professional education, which today are the subject of a number of special studies devoted to the process of formation of professionally important qualities, psychological and pedagogical patterns of their formation in a competence-based educational environment.
Purpose of the study: Theoretically substantiate technologies for the formation of professionally important qualities with a full military-special training of future officers.
Materials and research methods
The term “technology” is widespread in the industrial sphere, pedagogical, educational, scientific, creative activities, etc. According to the definition set forth in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, “technology is a set of techniques and methods for obtaining, processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products or products carried out in various industries” [1].
The main feature of the technology for the formation of professionally important qualities is to highlight a clear planning of the result, as well as highlight the stages of its achievement, which is the main advantage of the technologization of education. The technology allows you to create a scientifically and practically grounded system of activities used by a person to influence the environment in order to produce material values or spiritual growth [2 р. 45].
There are various approaches of scientists to understanding pedagogical technology. According to V.P. Bespalko, “pedagogical technology is a project of a certain pedagogical system, implemented in practice” [3, p. 12]. V.V. Serikova gives the following definition of pedagogical technology – it is “law-based activity leading to a law-like result” [4 р. 113].
I.A. Alekhin, V.V. Tinyan, T.I. Shamov and others identify three incentive reasons for the emergence and practical use of pedagogical technologies [5]:
- the need to introduce an activity approach into the pedagogical system;
- the need for motivation and activation of educational and cognitive activities;
- the possibility of expert design of the technological chain of procedures, methods, organizational forms of interaction between students and teachers, ensuring guaranteed learning outcomes and reducing the negative consequences of the teacher’s work.
Therefore, the important features of learning technology should be highlighted:
1. adaptability of the content of training or education (the ability to undergo coding without losing its teaching or educational capabilities);
2. pedagogical foundations and practical conclusions, as a result of which each technological link in an integral system achieves high efficiency.
It follows from this that pedagogical technology is not a mechanical, once and for all given process with an invariable final result, but an organizational-content structure, a core that determines the direction of interaction between a teacher and a student with an infinite variety of approaches and relationships.
Research results and discussion
Pedagogical technology must be analyzed as rational planning of the system and the implementation of continuous, consistent pedagogical actions in the educational process to coordinate the training activities of the future officer. It is necessary to highlight the following signs of pedagogical technology in this case:
- the goal of the educational process is specific, its achievement is guaranteed as a result of the implementation of all planned procedures of the technology;
- the developed technology should have diagnostic tools that will enable the teacher to evaluate all stages of implementation and adjust the educational process if necessary;
- activity modeling – the use of a well-grounded logic of impact and a clearly defined set of applied techniques and methods;
- justify the applications of the technology, outlining the range of conditions that determine the boundaries of application and affect the performance: individual and social criteria, material and technical support.
Under the pedagogical technology of the formation of professionally important qualities in cadets, one can distinguish the design of an effective pedagogical system, embodied in the course of full military-special training, aimed at the planned result – the formation of professionally important qualities of an officer.
Based on the work of G.K. Selevko [6, P. 45], it is necessary to designate the pedagogical technology, which must be directed to the formation of professionally important qualities of an officer in the course of full military-special training in a competence-based educational environment, implemented in stages in the educational process:
The initial stage of work should be aimed at familiarizing future officers with the content, tasks and meaning of professional interaction, with the essence of their future professional activities, with its types and methods of individual professional self-realization, etc .; to include its content in the educational process. An important aspect is the diagnosis of professionally important qualities of future officers and their validity.
At the second stage, it is necessary to highlight the disciplines that should be included in the program for the formation of professionally important qualities of future officers and implement it continuously in each semester, using modeling technology for the formation of professionally important qualities, which will include corrected forms of interaction, such as lectures, seminars and practical classes, correctional and developmental exercises, command and staff exercises, role-playing, business and military-special games, individual and group counseling. It is important to discuss the forms of organization of training and the conditions for their implementation with teachers leading disciplines.
At the third stage of modeling the technology for the formation of professionally important qualities of a future officer, it is useful to determine the means and methods of training that contribute to the formation of professionally important qualities, forms of organizing of the educational process in a competence-based educational environment. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the level of formation of professionally important qualities largely depends on the use of context-simulation learning technologies in the educational process.
To date, the key task of full military-special training in the universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the use of effective pedagogical technologies of training and the creation of an appropriate educational environment that contribute to the motivated mastering by future officers of professional and military-professional knowledge, skills, and improvement of abilities for the professional activity.
M.M. Levin argued that learning technologies, first of all, provide a reflection of the process of control and self-regulation of learning activities. As a result of technologization of the educational process, the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions are created for its individualization and subjectivation of students, ensuring the activity of all participants, awareness of their performance of cognitive actions.
Pedagogical technologies are currently being rapidly updated, in connection with which it is necessary to be able to navigate the information flow, which is important for any professional.
For our study, the main element in the technology for the formation of professionally important qualities of a future officer is contextual training, focused on the fact that knowledge, skills and abilities do not act as a subject to which the activity of a future officer should be directed, but as a means of solving problems of professional activity of a military specialist. The main characteristic of the educational process of a contextual type, implemented with the help of a system of new and traditional forms and methods of teaching, is the modeling of the subject and socially significant content of future military professional activities. When studying general professional, special and specialization disciplines, real professional situations and fragments of service relations of people employed in it are recreated. Consequently, the outlines of his professional labor (military labor) are given to the future officer. It is during the analysis of situations, business and educational games that the future officer is formed as a military specialist and a member of the future military collective.
Contextual learning technology is formed by three basic forms of activity: educational activity with the leading role of seminars and lectures; quasi-professional, embodied in games, special courses, special seminars; educational and professional, represented by research work, industrial practice, course and diploma design.
Contextual training significantly changes the position of a future officer in a competence-based educational environment: from a consumer of educational information, he becomes the creator of his professionally important qualities. This main feature of contextual learning, in our opinion, allows us to correlate it with active learning technologies.
G.V. Lavrentiev, N.B. Lavrentieva, N.A. Neudakhin divide all active learning technologies into non-imitation and imitation ones used in the educational process on the basis of recreation (imitation) of the context of professional activity in training [7].
In the process of implementing non-imitation technologies in a competence-based educational environment, the activation of the learning process is achieved through the selection of problematic learning content, the use of an organizational procedure for conducting a lesson in a special way, the use of technical teaching aids, an organizational procedure for conducting a lesson, as well as technical means and ensuring dialogical interactions between the teacher and the future officer.
The authors (G.V. Lavrentiev, N.B. Lavrentieva, N.A. Neudakhina) include a problem lecture, a seminar-discussion with or without a brainstorming, an offsite practical lesson, programmed training, coursework, thesis, internship without performing an official role [7]. It is obvious that the above training technologies create opportunities not only to transfer certain information to future officers, but also to create prerequisites for the development of some general and professional skills and abilities in a competence-based educational environment. So, non-imitative forms and methods are primarily based on the ideas of problem learning.
The theoretical substantiation of problem learning is associated with the idea of S.L. Rubinstein that thinking always begins with a problem situation. “Problem, wrote S.L. Rubinstein is an integral feature of cognition, it expresses not only the subjective state of the knower, it naturally follows from the objective relationship of cognition to being, its object and from the nature of this latter. The presence of a problem, problem situations is objectively due to the infinity of existence and the interconnection of all phenomena in the world” [8]. It should be borne in mind that the problem of the formation of a creative personality is solved not only in the course of the problem learning itself, but also on the basis of the direct influence of the creative leader, interpersonal contacts, competition and play, fantasizing and improvisation, in which a problem is connected with imagery, with immersion. into the world of new relationships for a person and other factors.
Problem-based learning realizes two goals, one of them, according to P.G. Kravtsova, V.N. Mikhelkevich, V.M. Nesterenko, forms the necessary system of knowledge, abilities and skills among students, which contribute to the development of a high level of self-study and self-education. This is the result of the fact that in problem-based learning the assimilation of educational material is in the form of active educational activities, including in the process of solving professional problem problems. Another goal of problem learning is the formation of active mental activity, research independence [9].
Problem-based learning also contributes to the formation of professionally important qualities in a competence-based educational environment in the course of full military special training. A high level of problematicity is achieved through the organization of dialogical forms of work. They can be realized both during classroom sessions at lectures, seminars, practical exercises, and during extracurricular hours at consultations, meetings of the military scientific society, at extracurricular workshops. The future officer’s own positions are revealed, the personal meaning of the acquired knowledge is acquired, the future officer is being prepared for independent activity.
The implementation of problem-based learning in a competence-based educational environment in the formation of professionally important qualities in future officers can be carried out by various methods.
1. Statement of the problem before the presentation of the educational material of a professional orientation. Demonstrating to the cadets the logic of mental activity, the teacher involves them in a joint scientific search for a solution to the problem.
2. A partial search method for solving a problematic problem of a professional nature. Involvement of cadets in the step-by-step solution of the problem under the guidance of a teacher.
3. Independent solution of the problem task by the students, based on the knowledge, skills and abilities they have acquired in a military orientation.
4. The method of “brainstorming”, which consists in the collective solution of a complex problem based on the generation of diverse ideas.
5. A situational method focused on identifying a problem, analyzing it, finding solutions.
The use of problem-based learning in the educational process of a competence-based educational environment contributes to the formation of key and important qualities necessary for military professional activity in future officers: productive and analytical thinking, professional imagination, communication skills, military professional logic, and also activates the cognitive properties of the individual.
At the same time, gaming technologies should be highlighted as effective technologies used in teaching. So G.K. Selevko believes that “play is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved” [6].
In the works of A.P. Panfilova, “every game, exercise, situation, training should be aimed at achieving educational or organizational and personal developmental goals, at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities of a professional, managerial, psychological nature, that is, at developing professionally important qualities in a particular area human relations” [10].
Game technologies solve pedagogical tasks: teaching, educational and developmental, in which the functions of a competence-based educational environment are implemented: stimulating, developing, adaptive and communicative. Applying these technologies in specialized disciplines, the emphasis should be on role-playing games: demonstration role-playing games; role-playing games for the whole group; exchange of roles; spontaneous role-playing games that contribute to the development of important personality traits, such as emotional-volitional, communicative and managerial qualities, manifested in the awareness of options for evaluating the same subject, the ability to take into account different opinions and reasonably defend their views, as well as the ability to consciously observe combat, moral-political and moral-ethical norms, attunement of consciousness to certain attitudes through argumentation. Consequently, the implementation of gaming technologies in the educational process contributes to the formation of professionally important qualities in future officers. The format of the games used is optimal for planning and monitoring the behavior of future officers in the expected military-professional situations, training and adapting them to military-professional activities.
In conclusion, it should be to noted that the productivity of the integration of various technologies is obvious when students receive a choice of various technological tools for obtaining relevant information, analyzing it and synthesizing a new set of educational and professional information. The use of technology for the formation of professionally important qualities of a future officer contributes to the development of his educational motivation, activation of military professional interest, deepening professional knowledge and skills, as well as the formation and development of a set of professionally important qualities of an officer.