Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Krukovich E.V. 1 Kablukov D.A. 1
1 Pacific State Medical University
1812 KB

This article briefly shows the results of the study of neuropsychiatric health of children. The research was conducted in Vladivostok, Russia. The article demonstrates the statistics of psychiatric and behavior disorders in 2014 and 2015 as well as a number of neuropsychiatric health indicators occurring in children in different age groups.

During the recent decades pediatric doctors, hygienists, physiologists, psychologists, and pedagogues have been worried by a significant degradation of health condition amongst the upcoming generation. Monitoring basic indicators of realizing measures on preventive examination of juniors is still underway in Russia. According to the data of federal service of state statistic, in 2015 21,3 million juniors in age of 0 to 17 years old were taken to preventive medical examinations. Among all of the examined juniors, I group of health condition was registered in 29,8 % of cases, II group – in 54,8 %, III group – in 13,2 %; IV and V group – 1,4 % and 0,8 % correspondingly. One of criterions in evaluating health group is evaluation of nervous – psychic health (NPH), evaluation of which has caused certain complications up to current moment, regardless of fact that disease rate according to nosologic form F00-F99 (MCB-10), as well as psychic and behavior disturbance had a certain trend towards growth. Thus, index of initial disease rate for this disease group increased by 3,3 % and equaled 362,9 per 100 thousand of population in Primorsk region in 2015 against 351,2 in 2014. A significant growth in value index (by 16,7 %) was registered in group – children up to 14 years of age (from 533,0 per 100 thousand of population in 2014 to 621,9 in 2015), and this fact requires additional investigation and development of prevention measures.

We have undertaken evaluation of NPH 1024 among children from 7 to 17 years if age in the city of Vladivostok according to separate NPH criterions that allowed us to exclude ghastly oscillations on the side of NPH. Somato-vegetative, vegeto-deincefal, and psychomotoric areas has been studied. An additional question list according to European project of school research ESPAD (Group POMPIDOU of European Council) was implemented in group of 14–17 years of age. All children who participated in the research, were referred to health group 1 and 2. Estimation of the received results was carried out via method of variation statistic. Statistic procession of the received material was done with specialized packs of applicatory programmes for researchers (“Statistica 6.0, 8.0”).

While evaluating separate indicators of NPH among children of 7–9 years of age we have registered the highest occurrence of sign “mood” according to somato-vegetarive index. Children more often had a good, stable mood, as well as good appetite – 22,9 % of cases, whilst this index was 1,6 times lower among children of 15–17 years of age, and it reflected appetite decrease. This fact was supported by indicator “presence of fears” and “sleeping” (they were higher in this group than among children of other age groups by 15 % and 11,4 %) , they reflected a high level of neurotic condition. Children of this age group according to their vegeto-diencefal indicators suffered more frequent headaches, exhaustion, difficult endurance of heat, loud noise, bright light, dizziness, collapses. Probably, this fact was defined by strain in educational process. They had a good, stable mood according to indicators of psychomotoric area and intellectual development, less expressed were behavior deviations, compulsive motion, pathological habits (9,1 %, 7,3 %, 10,9 %). Analysis of NPH indicators in group of 10–14 years of age revealed some separate extreme deviations from the whole selection, but all studied indicators were placed within limits for the age group. A special anxiety is caused by teenager group of 15–17 years of age, among which decrease in appetite was registered in 7,9 % of cases according to somatovegetative indicator, and exhaustion – in 7,1 % of cases according to vegeto-diencefal indicators. According to indicators of psychomotoric area and intellectual development increased affectability, aggressiveness, motion disinhibition, restraint, inclination to lies, unfriendly attitude towards close people were the most frequent effects. An additional analysis should be carried out upon the factor of “bad habits” (biting nails, tearing-off hair, rocking head and body) as in most cases teenagers did not indicate their presence. Questioning according to ESPAD allow us to conclude that in Primorsk region, in comparison to indexes of Russian Federation, decrease in basic narcological parameters is observed: smoking rate is 2–3 times lower, beer consumption is lower by 3, youngster try cannabis preparations 2 times less frequently than average in Russia. Thus, evaluation of NPH in complex estimation of health condition among children has a great significance and requires detailed investigation and development of prevention measures.