Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Medvedev A.V. 1
1 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

In today’s information society development relevance of decision support systems of business planning, oriented on business analyst, entrepreneur, businessman, is no doubt. Important properties of the informational analytical base business planning must be, on the one hand, the minimal set of these characteristics, and on the other, it is sufficient to receive income and expenditure flows of financial and economic activities in accordance with the specified algorithms, conceptually relevant accepted accounting rules in the country for these streams. Below are given the features of financial and economic activity, as well as the internal and external economic environment of investment project.

1. The characteristics of the basic production assets (quantity, value, performance and service life of production equipment, real estate, etc.), including the intangible (intellectual property, etc.).

2. Information on the products and/or services of their production (costs, demand, the share of revenues from the sale used to pay, payment, working capital, etc.).

3. The characteristics of the external economic environment: a discount rate, including inflation, the investor’s claims and other risks, taxes, loans, specific planning horizons, the maximum amount of investment, subsidies, demand for products or services, etc.

Information on the internal and external characteristics of the business environment to benefit from available in the network of economic and statistical information, through, inter alia, the provisional statistical and analytical processing: averaging, aggregation, ranking, inter- and extrapolation, etc. Using this approach allowed to develop a number of investment projects which have been successfully tested in practice [1, 2].

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference “Research Graduate School in priority areas of science and technology”, Switzerland (Zurich-Bern), April 27 – May 3, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 13.04.2014.