Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301

Technology of the legal education younger pupils

Abdullaeva M.D 1
1 Tashkent state pedagogical university named after Hisami
In article is described technology of the legal education younger pupils, providing participations and interactions pupil, full cut-in them in process of the cognition. As a result pupils become the active researcher surrounding world together with teacher, rather than passive adopting experience of the adult person. The main receiving the education: play, helping raise understanding to situations and causes sufferings to turned out to be in her people, division by pairs and groups, using at utterance different ideas or that class speculated on one or another abstract ideas with standpoint of its own experience, verbal associations, using at the beginning initially studies of the subject for the reason clarifications that that pupils already know on her, as well as at the end by purpose of the clarification that that new have heard and etc.
legal education
younger pupils

The Formation and development legal state, in which dominant beginning gain the human right and value to personalities, hang, first of all, from education and learning of the young generation. So at present sharply costs need in use all education facilities in scholastic- education process schools for development pupil in spirit of the respect of the human rights, to liberty and human value.

Amongst of human valuables humanistic pedagogical brings forth on the first place of the person, his right, liberty and corresponding to him education and education. In the highlight progressive pedagogical concept of each folk always was a confession of the person high humanistic by value, respect to his personalities, his value, protection of his rights on liberty and development, statement democratic principle in his education and formation.

The great role of the school, which can do the a great deal that humanistic of value become not simply amount of the knowledge’s for her alumnus, but also syntheses of the moral rates, defining behavior of the person. She can consolidate beside child feeling own value, ability to resist irritate, shallowness’s, cruelty. So morally-legal education is one of the most important problems of the school Education to human rights – an education not only that that present itself human right, but also that that it is necessary to do in interest of the human right. The Purpose of the education to human rights consists in that to help to reach the pupil in its development such level, when they begin to understand, what is a human right, feel importance of the human rights and need to keep and protect their [1; s. 123]. The Occupations orientate on consequent production beside children not only knowledge’s and skills, but also value of the installation, which will him necessary in the further life [3; s. 47].

The knowledge’s: knowledge that that exist the documents on human rights, that, what right in they are bolted, that that these rights possess all people in the world and that integral [2; s. 67].

The Skills: listen others; conduct the analysis with standpoint morally-moral valuables. These skills help the children to analyses surrounding their world [4; s. 17].

Value: conviction in that that human right important that their it is necessary to respect and keep that interaction better, than conflict that we themselves have charge of our own actions [5; s. 12].

Technology of the education provides the participation and interaction pupil, full cut-in them in process of the cognition. They become the active researcher surrounding world together with teacher, rather than passive adopt the experience of the adult person.

The Main receiving the education:

Rolvaag play. Helps to raise understanding to situations and causes sufferings to turned out to be people in her.

Division by the pairs and groups. It is used, when it is necessary to were quickly voiced different ideas or that class speculated on one or another abstract ideas with standpoint of its own experience.

Verbal associations. Acceptance is used at the beginning initially studies of the subject for the reason clarifications that that pupils already know on her, as well as at the end by purpose of the clarification that that new have heard.

«Brainstorming. This acceptance is used for decision of the concrete problem or searching for of the answer to question. For instance, after «incident», connected with arising the conflict between pupil, ask the class to offer all possible variants of the decision of the conflict by peace way».

General debate in class. This acceptance enables to develop the skill to listen, speak by turns, as well as gain the skills important for upbringing the respect to rights of the other people.

Questions «open» type. They are used therefore that on them it is difficult to give uniquely correct answer.

1. The Hypothetical questions: «That you have done if?»

2. The Questions, spurring to cogitations: «As it were we could help to solve this problem?»

3. Encouraging/supporting questions: «This interesting, but that happened further?»

4. The Questions, revealing opinion: «That you think or feel on cause?..»

5. Zondiruyuschie questions: «Why you so think?»

6. Explaining questions: «Shall I rights if shall say that you think?»

«Projects. The Result of the study can be a report, exhibition, drawing, poem».

«General uproar». It is used, for change the rate of the lesson. Uchasгhiesya during five minutes speak your mind on cause right before told or shown «Drawing. Acceptance is used for the reason developments of the keenness’s of observation, skill of collaboration, imaginations, feeling sufferings in respect of people on picture or to hear better their own classmate».

The generalizing lesson on total course in 4 classes with provision for aforesaid methods and acceptance. The subject: «On Olympus of the legal knowledge’s». The purpose of the occupation: assistance free and conscious acceptance pupil key legal rates and notion; shaping analytical and communication competency (the development beside students skills to argue its choice, select the main, analyses the situation, combine individual and group forms of the work); upbringing the legal culture.

Coming, from name of the subject of the lesson pupil explain meaning «Olympus». Answer the question: «As you think, why subject of the lesson exactly such?»

The Actualization of the knowledge’s. Recall, with what document we got acquainted and worked at our occupation? In what year they were accepted? Why appeared need in creation these document? To whom they are addressed? What is a «right», as you understand importance of this word?

«Brainstorm». children was offered building to think and write their own right with births and before present moment. Discuss their own record in group, find that general in record, and arrange the answers to separate slip of paper liver rights person of our country since moment of the birth. The totals of the work we have arranged on silhouette of the person.

Fresh work. The Following stage of the work was a work in vapors. Uchaschiesya you to discuss the important belongings and dispose them in order of importance for life. What «belongings» in list are absolutely necessary? That from these «things» has secondary importance? That you wanted to add in list of the necessary things? What need possible to refer to rights? Uchaschiesya draw a conclusion that these need and, not only they, are contributed in konvenciyu.

Stating the problem-solving questions, which purpose is a production approach to analysis to real life situations on base of the got knowledge’s within the framework of study of the course. «All boys in our class are in their own rights? But, regrettably, on our planet Land exist the hot points, where are broken right pupil. Let’s get acquainted with tale your person of the same age and shall realize what rights were violated».

Lead total passed in playing form (the play «Is permitted – is forbidden»).

As home task pupil was offered to write the review about that that gave him course «I and my right».

Thereby, possible draw a conclusion that use given systems extracurricular occupation promotes increasing a level knowledge’s about rights child, upbringing the legal culture younger schoolboy, realization itself as personalities, development of the interest to study of the legal questions.