Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301

The supplementary vocational training as the factor of developing the innovational potential of the specialists for the agro-industrial complex in Omsk region

Shumakova O.V. 1 Kovalenko E.V. 1 Mozzherina T.G. 1
1 VPO «Omsk State Agrarian University. P.A. Stolypin»

The transition of the agro-industrial complex to the innovational way of development requires new approaches to train employees: from the working force up to the management. To function in market conditions and to apply modern technology it is necessary to employ qualified personnel and specialists having corresponding training skills and practice. Nowadays agricultural production needs qualified personnel more than other industries. It is very difficult for the peasant to follow innovations, to understand their essence and to introduce them into production process because he is very busy and has poor relations with information systems [1].

Now we are going to survey the realization of the programs of the supplementary vocational training in agro-industrial complex of Omsk region. Nine hundred and eighty-eight representatives took the improvement of qualifications in 2012. There were 41 managers, 483 specialists and 464 employees of the most popular professions in agricultural sphere of the region. In 2011 there were 985 people: 80 managers, 482 specialists and 423 workers of the most popular professions. In 2010 – 1638 learners improved their qualification: 138 managers, 532 specialists and 968 workers. Such dynamics results from the staff reduction in the agro-industrial complex of the region. So, in 2012 the number of employees decreased by 3581 people compared with 2010 year. Poor incentive of management and reduction in budget finance of the corresponding item of expenditure have a great influence.

Specialists of agriculture in Omsk region more often take the improvement of qualifications at the Institute of Vocational Training of Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin (see IVT OmSAU named after P.A. Stolypin). As for the year 2010 – 896 learners took the courses of training and in 2011 among 985 people – 953 studied at the institute. By July 2013 seventy-six people had taken the training.

Let us survey the system of the supplementary vocational training with the help of SWOT-analysis (Table 1) that can determine strong and weak sides, perspectives and threats.


Table 1

SWOT analysis on the system of the supplementary vocational training in agro-industrial complex of Omsk region

Strong sides

Weak sides

1) the incentive of staff to improve their qualification;

2) the availability of the specialized centre for the in agro-industrial complex (IVT OmSAU named after P.A. Stolypin);

3) the availability of МВВ;

4) the availability of qualified staff to realize the programs of supplementary vocational training;

5) the number of educational institutions realizing the programs of SVT;

6) the marketing of educational services of SVT;

7) the application of innovational pedagogical technologies in the system of SVT

1) the absence of understanding and incentives of management at the enterprises in the supplementary vocational training of their staff and employees;

2) poor state support off the SVT programs;

3) unstable finance position of agricultural enterprises in Omsk region;

4) the absence of expensive and modern equipment;

5) poor use of possibilities in education without giving up work;

6) sectoral orientation of the SVT programs at the specialized centre in agro-industrial complex



1) co-operation with leading enterprises having innovative productive grounds («Semirechenskaya», «Karbyshevskaya» supply bases);

2) the incentive of government to have qualified staff in agro-industrial complex;

3) the possibility to improve teaching staff;

4) realization of SVT programs with the help of innovative educational technologies;

5) employment of the remote education by means of the Internet communicative sites (on-line)

1) impossibility in timely modernization of equipment;

2) the reduction in demographic indicators in the agricultural sector;

3) the alteration in production technologies of agro-industrial complex;

4) unstable state regulation of SVT;

5) the hazard in impossibility to realize some SVT programs;

6) the increasing shortage in the quantity of learning people compared with the demands in the economy of the region;

7) the availability of competitors in the sphere of SVT programs, price policy


Carried out analysis allows to determine the directions in the development of SVT taking into consideration the demands of employers (Table 2).


Table 2

The direction in the development of SVT in agriculture of Omsk region

Type of the component

Content of the direction of development


Organization of activity of educational institutions according to the demands of the market;

Subdivisions, realizing SVT, should be included in the staff of higher educational institutions, scientific and productive organizations, secondary professional education;

Marketing and management of educational services (career-guidance, enrolment);

Incentive of management and employees;

Improvement in organizing the realization of SVT programs (without giving up work, with giving up work partly and remotely);

Monitoring the demand for the proposed programs;

Professional competence and practical skills of staff;

Modern innovative teaching and methodical equipment;


Realization of SVT programs should be carried out in co-operation with leading productive enterprises;

Employment of the remote education;

Use of modern information technologies;

Interaction with innovative, scientific, productive organizations (moving lessons, round-table conference);


Investment in basic programs of SVT at the expense of federal and regional budget(social order);

Finance of creative (individual) SVT programs at the expense of employers;

Increase of professional competence of teaching staff suitable to the innovative economy;

Adjusting (controlling)

Making the effective state support of training and further training of staff at the regional level;

Control and monitoring the quality of educational activity of SVT institutions;

Monitoring the competitors and their price policy


According to the survey the development in the system of vocational training is one of the most perspective directions because the significance of supplementary training becomes higher. It increases professional skills of staff and results in their better adaptation to the changeable market conditions.