The research aims. Assessments of the lung function at opium consumers depending on intoxication duration.
Material and research methods. There are observed 70 narcomaniacs consuming opium daily in a number of 2,0–3,0 grams. Middle age of opium narcomans was 26,5 years old. Depending on the narcotic consumption, duration the observed patients are distributed in two groups: I – 2–3 years lasting of intoxication, II – a narcotization within the 4–5 and more years. The control group was 20 almost healthy men comparable on age. By the assessment of the lung function condition of the observed patients defined the following indicators: vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced exhalation volume for 1 Sec. (FEV1), Tiffno’s index (FEV1/FVC), the maximum exhalation volume rates at the lung volumes 25, 50 and 75 % of FVC (MEF25, MEF50, MEF75), average maximum expiratory flow at the lung capacities from 25 to 75 % of FVC, the peak expiratory flow (PEF). The lung function researched conducted on the spirography computer «Pneumos 300» of Cardiette firm (Italy).
Research results. By the lung function analysis of the I group changes from pulmonary volumes and capacities it isn’t found. So, VC in the I group was 98,4 ± 1,91 %, FVC – 102,35 ± 2,10 % that significantly didn’t differ from the control group measurements (99,6 ± 3,71 % and 103,1 ± 2,79 %). Air flow studying on a bronchial tree allowed to note that in the I group FEV1 decreased in 7,2 %, and Tiffno’s index – at 8,6 %. More significant deviations were outlined from MEF and MMEF reflecting of a bronchial tree proximal and distal departments permeability condition.
So, in the I group is noted the MEF25 and MEF50 decrease on 12,8 % and 10,1 % (p < 0,05) though MEF75 decrease (on 5 %) didn’t differ from control measurement. MMEF25-75 were 9,2 % lower, than at almost healthy (p < 0,05). PEF also decreased to 14 % (p < 0,05). When testing with berotec for identification of respiration mechanics disturbance by bronchi smooth muscles fibers tonus increase of 69.2 % of the I group persons tests was positive and at the other – negative. In other words, in most of the cases the obstruction was reversible.
The lung function analysis in the II group testifies about the progression of pulmonary ventilation disturbances. So, high-speed indicators are authentically lowered: OFV1 on 16,1 %, Tiffno’s index – on 15,1 %. The bronchial permeability disturbances, mainly central respiratory tracts are confirmed by more expressed decrease of MEF25 (77,5 ± 2,48 %) in the II group in comparison with a similar indicator in the I group (102,9 ± 4,73). PEF decreases to 81,4 ± 2,30 % (also to 84,7 ± 3,02 % in the I group). The special attention is drawn to the dynamic characteristics decrease at the level of distal bronchi, making 11,3 % for MEF75 (p < 0,05) and 16,1 % for MEF50 (p < 0,001). At more long opium intoxication MMEF25-75 decreases by 9,5 % also. The VC and FVC in the II group tended to decrease, however the difference from comparing groups was not reliable. At observed patients of the II groups 47,7 % a pharmacological test was positive, at 50 % – negative, at 1 patient – paradoxical.
Thus, in process of opium intoxication duration augmentation high-speed indicators of air flow on a bronchial tree are aggravated. The obstruction of the periphery respiratory tracts recorded the express progressing decrease of MEF50 and MEF75. With the augmentation of intoxication term the reversible component of bronchial obstruction decreases. The diagnosed rejections of high-speed characteristics of air flow a bronchial tree can be surveyed as an early (preclinical) stage of chronic obstructive illnesses of the lungs. In the other words the systematic narcotization within the 4–5 and more years should be regarded as a condition of prebronchitis.
The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference «Quality life of patients with different nosological forms», Mauritius, February, 17–24, 2014, came to the editorial office оn 27.01.2014.