The article discusses the results of studying remote (non-invasive) control of oxygen tension in muscles of experimental animals using bioeffective pulse-frequency generator Neyroton-01 – a model of acoustic-electromagnetic continuum adapted to the impulse hypoxia of nerve cells. We suggest a hypothesis on the quantum mechanical (quantum theory of multiparticle and multielectron systems) nature of the «phenomenon of adaptation» encoding in the system of neuron oscillators. It was established that under the influence of the test technology, the level of pO2 in the muscles of experimental animals decreases prior to the onset of tissue hypoxia, and then, as part of the aftereffect, there is a significant increase of pO2 up to the level of physiological hyperoxia, which, according to the literature, is a sign of adaptation. Therefore, we can assume that we found a new and efficient method of forming the state of adaptation in the body other than the already known methods, such as high-altitude acclimatization, altitude-stepwise, barophysical and normobaric adaptations, exhausting physical exercises, etc. Results of this work suggest the real possibility of a non-invasive control of pO2 levels in body tissues, which may be important for health care, mountaineering, physical culture and sports, space missions, as well as for the creation of new bioeffective pulse-frequency generators.
As shown by long-term studies (M.T. Shaov, 1981; O.V. Pshikova, M.T. Shaov, T.Sh. Khapazhev, 1995; M.T. Shaov, O.V. Pshikova, Kh.M.Kaskulov, 2002; O.V. Pshikova, I.S. Abazova, 2011), reduced frequency of impulse electrical activity (IEA) and increase in oxygen tension (pO2) in experimental animals are indicative of the adaptation of their cerebral cortex nerve cells to impulse hypoxia caused by barophysiological appliances or high altitude conditions.
As a rule, the IEA frequency decreases from 10,0 ± 0,43 to 5,17 ± 0,45 pulses/s on the average, whereas ро2 usually increases from 24,0 ± 1,40 to 33,4 ± 2,20 mm Hg. This implies that the dynamics of IEA and pO2 is carried out within the famous Synergetic rule of Verhulst, according to which, indicator fluctuations (pO2 and IEA) must not exceed the level of their initial value by large values (I.A. Eryukhin, 2000).
In another series of experiments it was found that at low-frequency IEA (< 10 Hz), nerve cells effectively control the cardiac activity (Z.A. Shidov, O.V. Pshikova and others, 1995) and adaptive capacity (O.V. Pshikova, 1999) of experimental animals’ body: at normal (normoxic) frequency in the range of 10,0 ± 0,43 Hz at height of 10 km (pressure chamber), ECG was recorded (4,30 beats / min) in only one animal out of seven, whereas at the adaptive frequency of IEA, making on the average 5,17 ± 0,45 Hz, ECG was recorded (20 beats/min) in five animals. Under the control of the low-frequency IEA, the critical threshold of rats’ resistance to altitude (CTAR is an indicator of adaptive capacity in animals) of nerve cells increased by 2,5 km (O.V. Pshikova, 1999).
The basis for this are information links under the laws of quantum mechanics of multiparticle and multielectron systems formed between oxygenated sessions of impulse hypoxia by the acousto-electromagnetic continuum of neuron and pO2 in the tissues of the body.
Based on the results of these studies, with the aid of radio engineering (pulse technique) means and modern computer technologies, we created bioeffective pulse-frequency generators Neyroton 01 and 02, which reproduce IEA frequencies adapted to neuron hypoxia and are able to remotely control physiological functions of the human body (M.T. Shaov, D.A. Khashkhozheva, O.V. Pshikova, 2008; M.T. Shaov, O.V. Pshikova, Z.A. Shaova, 2010), being in direct proportion to the oxygen regime in cells and tissues. This is explained by the fact that deoxygenation (hypoxia) and oxygenation (hyperoxia) processes triggered by pulse hypoxia potentiate and perpetuate the «phenomenon of adaptation» in oscillators (К+, Na+, Cl–, I–/I+, CO2, O2 and ROS, RNA and others) of the neuron quantum field. As a result, communications between the oscillators caused synchronized oscillations of electric, acoustic and electromagnetic signals, i.e. data carriers, to arise in the system of acoustic-electromagnetic continuum of a neural cell; these signals are characterized by their own frequencies and propagating waves. These questions relate to the fundamental problems of biophysics and the new quantum-wave physiology (M.T. Shaov, O.V. Pshikova, 2010). Now, the fact that the low-frequency (< 10 Hz) IEA neuron oscillations are the translators of information about «the phenomenon of adaptation» (M.T. Shaov, Kh.A. Kurdanov, O.V. Pshikova, 2010) is of considerable interest; by means of these oscillations, we can create an imprinting technology for non-invasive management of physiological processes in cells and tissues of the body.
However, it is known that oxygen tension is the most important indicator of the physiological state of individual cells and organ tissues (V.A. Berezovskiy, 1975; M.T. Shaov, 1981). In this context, to find out whether it is possible to remotely control the рО2 level by means of Neyroton technology, we conducted a series of studies on experimental animals.
Methods and objects. The gastrocnemius of a lake frog and Wistar white rats served as the object of study. Oxygen tension was recorded using high-speed highly sensitive polarograph by the method of pО2 level determination in cells of plants and animals proposed by M.T. Shaov (1968, 1981). Polarographic platinum ultramicroelectrode was introduced into the target tissue using a special stereotactic technique. Animal’s body was exposed to low-frequency IEA model adapted to impulse hypoxia of Neyroton-01 neuron.
These experiments were performed on 50 frogs and 35 rats. The results of experiments were processed using a conventional biometric method. Neyroton duration – 10 minutes, the distance to the animal – 2,5 meters. Since its frequencies are in the infrared range, Neyroton-01 influence can be extended to greater distances.
Results and discussion. The ро2 dynamics in the gastrocnemius muscle of experimental animals under the influence of Neyroton-01 is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. pO2 level change in muscle in experimental animals under the influence of pulse-frequency generator «Neyroton-01»
Fragments of differential oscillo- and polarograms of oxygen in the tissues are shown in Fig. 2 and 3. The background value of ро2 in the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog was equal to the average of 31,2 ± 1,10 mm Hg; in that of a rat – 33,5 ± 1,07 mm Hg. Approximately the same data under the background conditions were obtained in the earlier studies (V.A. Berezovskiy, 1975; O.V. Pshikova, 1999 and others) during the registration of pO2 in the muscle tissue of intact frogs and albino rats.
Fig. 2. Polarogram of oxygen registered in the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog prior to the impact of «Neyroton-01»; height (h) is proportional to pO2, h = 5 cm
Fig. 3. Polarogram of oxygen registered in gastrocnemius muscle in frog after 10 minutes of exposure to «Neyroton-01», height (h) is proportional to pO2, h = 8,2 cm
Under the influence of Neyroton-01, there was a gradual (stepwise) decrease in ро2 level from 31,2 ± 1,10 to 5,20 ± 1,11 mm Hg (р < 0,05) in the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog. The dynamics of pO2 in the gastrocnemius muscle of white rats was different: first (at minute 4), there was a significant drop from 33,5 ± 1,07 to 11,0 ± 1,16 mm Hg; at minute 6, 8 and 10, рО2 level stabilized – fluctuations occured within 0,5 mm Hg.
In conditions of the aftereffect (5 days after the experiment) pO2 level in muscle tissue significantly increased: in frogs – from 31,2 ± 1,10 (background) up to 42,2 ± 1,11 mm Hg, in white rats – from 33,5 ± 1,07 (background) to 39,8 ± 0,87 mm Hg. Such pO2 changes are indicative of an already formed state of adaptation.
Consequently, the frequencies of the model of acousto-electromagnetic properties of a nerve cell may carry the information about the «phenomenon of adaptation».
The ро2 level change in the muscle of experimental animals that were exposed to Neyroton-01 suggests that critical oxygen tension in living tissue depends on the animal’s position in the tree of evolution – for frogs, it is 5,20 ± 1,11 mm Hg, and for warm-blooded animals (such as white rats) – 10–11 mm Hg. E.A. Kovalenko attached great importance to the definition of the critical level of pO2 in cells and tissues for solving important problems in the pathophysiology and general hypoxicology. Furthermore, as follows from the results of this study, the kinetics of pO2 can be indicators of adaptive reserve of an organism: the nature of ро2 reduction in the muscle of the lake frog is logical, since it (the frog) is able to adapt to impulse hypoxia and hyperoxia (hypoxia dominates in water, whereas hyperoxia is common on land). White rat on the land does not have such an opportunity, as it is constantly exposed to ambient air that contains 145 mm Hg of ро2 (ро2 level for Nalchik). It is known that the constant factor cannot form a state of adaptation in the body at the molecular and cellular level (A.M. Gerasimov, N.V. Delenyan, M.T. Shaov, 1998; O.V. Pshikova, 1999). Apparently, for these reasons, the frog is able to quickly mobilize antihypoxic mechanisms and gradually reduce the level of pO2, whereas the white rat launches its protective mechanisms somewhat later.
The overall direction of pO2 dynamics in «cell-tissue» system is an increase of its level up to moderate hyperoxic state with small (9–10 mm Hg) excess of the initial (normoxic) values. This sudden change in pO2 level is crucial, because in physiological conditions of hyperoxia, the tissues activate ADS, i.e. antioxidant defense system (A.M. Gerasimov, N.V. Delenyan, M.T. Shaov, 1998) and establish the oxygen regime in cells and tissues, under which the occurrence of diseases (cancer, hypertension, stroke, etc.) becomes almost unlikely, since the basis of their pathogenesis is hypoxia.
Thus, the results of these series of experiments suggest the actual possibility of remote (non-invasive) control of pO2 level in tissues of the body, which may have important implications for health care systems, physical education and sports, mountaneering, flights to the stratosphere and space, and creation of new areas of production in the field of Instrument Engineering, such as the release of bioeffective pulse-frequency generators based on quantum wave properties of nerve cells.