Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Rasumovskaya E.A.

The new paradigm of social innovation is used in the modern world for the business practices and is a interaction between of private business and society. It implies a favorable and stable development of both parties. Companies are in constant search of new sources of innovation. Some companies implement social innovation on the basis of corporate social responsibility. Business begins to consider the demands of society as an opportunity for the development of new markets and ideas. Every year companies spend enormous resources on identifying innovative ways to develop, to find solutions to problems associated with the reputation and investment attractiveness. The most forward-thinking and progressive company came to the conclusion that the social and economic problems may have multi-dimensional solutions. [2, p. 170-171]. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) starts to play an important role in making up of positive image of the company that allows to speak about growth of efficiency of social investments into business.

Specificity of the Russian environment determines the need to develop their own recipes response to contemporary realities. The world experience in solving similar problems can be be very helpful.

The advanced companies permanently attending to innovations, have transformed processes of framing and testing of new ideas into system which can be accepted and played back practically any organization and is adapted for practice in different countries.

With significance rise no financial factors of stainable development, such as social stability, ecological safety and others, are becomes relevant practical and theoretical aspects of corporate social responsibility. The job for over problems of social sector forces the companies to develop capabilities to design of the innovations supplying return both for business, and for society. When the companies approach to social problems thus, they assume a share of responsibility for their solution and attend to them the same as also any other project, important for their operating performance. The similar approach should be considered not as charity, such researches and designs are strategic investments into business.

There are many of the problems hindering implementation of principles of social responsibility of business in Russia. First, it is underestimation from management of interrelation of socially responsible behavior and possibilities of creation of positive image of the company improving its competitiveness and investment attractiveness. At the same time, economic efficiency of implementation of principles of corporate social responsibility is underestimated and firms, and stakeholders too.

Other aspect of such problems is insufficient level of business culture of business community and the public, that also does not allow to evaluate adequately operation of the companies within the limits of socially responsible programs. In Russian practice the opinion of top management that following to principles CSR distracts resources from problem solving on upgrade and manufacturing re-structuring is stable. The main condition necessary for developing of new, socially responsible principles of business behavior, making up of a purposeful state policy in sphere of corporate social responsibility, support, including budgetary-tax instruments, the companies building the activity on these principles [3, p. 78-79].

Design and implantation of a reasonable and effective policy of social responsibility of business can promote an adjudicating of the Russian firms on international scene, to fluctuation of negative stereotypes, making up of positive image of Russian firms and growth of possibilities of combination of a market policy and social orientation of business structures. The positive reputation can be favorable to any company from the point of view of access to financial, informational and human resources.

Research activities allow to designate four levels of social responsibility for which the organization can apply:

  1. Social obstruction. In this situation the company apply a minimum of efforts or do not apply them at all for the permission of social problems and ecology problems. When such company intersects legal or ethical boundary which separates comprehensible practice from unacceptable, negation and hiding of the operations can be its response.
  2. Social obligations. This item switches on the operations of the organization routed only on discharge of the obligation is strict within the limits of the legislation. Management of such company insists that their main purpose - profit maximization.
  3. Social response. The company which accepts such type of responsibility, not only meets legal and ethical requests, but on occasion goes further these requests. Company can voluntary participate in social programs, but is independent them does not initiate.
  4. Social contribution. The company, which select such approach, take over the liabilities on social responsibility and independently initiate realization of actions within the limits of socially responsible behavior [1, p. 106].

Following to a social rate, for the majority of Russian people, is narrowed and means availability of obligations from the companies into relation to staff. Simultaneously, workers not always positively perceive occurrence of obligations concerning the company - the employer. Such one-sided approach to understanding of a role of business in system of social and economic ratios reduces rates and efficiency of implantation of socially responsible innovations. The understanding of corporate social responsibility within the limits of a new paradigm is concluded in the concept of voluntary integration social and an environmental policy in complex business - operations.

Mutual relations with all circle of the interested parties linked by interaction of society and business, meet, as many research and development or innovative projects, many problems linked to misunderstanding and a vagueness, initially inherent in innovations. Ambiguous response is called by attempts to make, what anybody never didn´t make, therefore initial design schedules are perceived as certain positive suppositions, instead of the reasonable forecasts. Sometimes efforts of companies in search of innovations in the social sector depreciate the critics representing them by units PR [2, p. 189]. Actually, constant readiness of business to designate resources, first of all means acquisition of new knowledge and capabilities which result from innovations.

In Russia the main task of developing of interaction of business, society and the power, creation of the favorable environment for developing of the business rendering, in turn, significant, and in many respects determining influence on developing of society. Business, being a structural part of society, should not narrow down the functions before profit maximization. Exhibition of social responsibility of business should be perceived at the present stage as mutually advantageous cooperation both for it, and for society and the state. As it was already marked, socially responsible behavior allows for companies to strengthen the image and reputation, to increase quality of management and investment attractiveness.

However, to generate conditions for productive job of a new paradigm of partnership and interaction of private and public interests within the limits of CSR, is necessary to supply transparent and accurate conditions for business, guarantees of observance of validity between partners, investment attractiveness for all sides of process, and also to convince business up the states to maintenance of the future results.

One of the main purposes of complex social policy is population improvement of the quality of life, a work and employment nondiscrimination, the help to the most vulnerable levels of population, and as reaching of social justice and social solidarity in society. Traditionally, reaching of these purposes was assigned to the State in the escalating of transfer payments. Such form of fulfillment of a social role reduces efficiency of economy as a whole, reconstituting financial streams.

The state structures of the Russian Federation acting on behalf of socially disadvantaged groups, and therefore are forced to reduce some of the factors of economic growth to the near future [4, p. 30]. This indicates that exist the objective need to connect businesses to participate in the formation of socially responsible society. The requirement for re-structuring of the Russian economy, for fluctuation of its character as the significant part of the State expenditure in social policy sphere was used insufficiently ineffectively [4, p. 57]. The state intend to prolong socially oriented projects in a sphere of education, health, agriculture and housing policies, these directions have not lost an urgency, however mechanisms of their implantation it is necessary to revise with allowance for private sector calls for funds. The considered aspects also are the contents of a policy of upgrade and innovative developing [4, p. 60] in the field of social sphere.

State support for business initiatives in the field of social innovation can ensure social harmony and achieving an acceptable level of economic growth. The implementation of this innovative paradigm will help to achieve social justice and economic efficiency in society.


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The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference «Problems of socio-economic development of regions», France (Paris), 14-21, October, 2012, came to the editorial office on 30.08.2012.