Originating in the Republic of Kazakhstan democratic change caused the need to find effective ways to transform various aspects of society, its social institutions, including higher education system. To implement the State Programme for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, approved by Decree of the President [1], the transition to e-learning is put first priority - providing education with highly qualified personnel. Plays an important role training and skills development, the formation of a high level of information competence. The processes of globalization, the rapid development of information technology and communications systems, as well as the transformation of social and economic nature, by which the society of industrial production has become a society of information science and changed the structure of the international labor market and new requirements for the competence and skills. Against the background of these changes, higher education plays an increasingly important role and becomes the key to successful self-realization of man in modern society.
Today, the industrial sector of the republic, recovering on the basis of new advanced technologies, in dire need of a new formation specialists with broad expertise and fundamental knowledge for the implementation of breakthrough projects in the state, business and services. The message was 01/27/2012 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan said: «... It is necessary to increase computer literacy, including through various incentive programs. I urge all of Kazakhstan actively develop information technology. This should be ...» [2].
In today´s globalized world the development of information technology leads to new ways of using Internet resources. Currently, the world has seen consistent and steady movement toward an information society, which aims to create the best conditions for maximum self-realization of each person. The grounds for such a process is the intensive development of computer and telecommunications technologies and the creation of advanced information and educational environment.
These factors lead to the need for active use of Internet resources in education. The introduction of information technology in the educational process is an increasingly prominent place in the teaching of not only the natural and mathematical, but also the humanities. Informatization of education is directly linked with the development of telematics - a single computer system of the media, bringing together computer networks, television, satellite communications, which allow the creation of local, professional, regional and global information systems. The leader among the telecommunications technology has become the worldwide Internet network. Today, a variety of multimedia tools empower teachers to optimize learning the language, make it an exciting process of discovery unknown world of English language and culture.
The use of information technology in teaching English enables future specialists environmentalists have access to a wide range of contemporary information to develop various skills. The use of computer tools and information sources on the Internet contribute to the development of high-level information and communicative competence, the formation of professional thinking in English, increasing the motivation to study subjects Kazakhstan clearly defined benchmark for entry into the world educational space, and is modernizing the educational system in the context of international requirements. The driving forces of innovation processes taking place in higher education in Kazakhstan, are adapted to the internal labor market and the desire for it to enter the global educational system as a full member. We need constant adaptation of educational programs to the demands of the labor market. In performance criterion laid ready for practice and a real competitive graduates.
At the present time, information technologies have significantly changed all aspects of human existence and, apparently, to the greatest extent, it is a significant improvement in the performance of intellectual work. To date, each competent person of a profession should be possible to effectively use information technology in their professional activities. One of the major challenges facing the system of training of future specialists, is to improve the training of students with current trends in the development and use of information technology in professional activities. Throughout the world, clearly there is a tendency to use the computer as an essential means of studying the individual scientific disciplines. One of the most revolutionary advances in recent decades, which greatly affected the educational process in the world, was the creation of the global computer network known as the Internet, which literally means «international network». Use of cyberspace (cyberspace) for training purposes is a completely new direction of the general didactics and methodology of private as well as the changes affect all aspects of the educational process, from choosing the methods and style of work, ending with a change of requirements for academic level of students [3].
Modern trends in the modernization of educational programs require the introduction of active learning. It is to such methods include the use of Internet sources. Theoretical significance of the research is determined, first, that the informational - communicative competence implies the existence of a future specialists knowledge, skills, style of thinking that will provide the necessary social adaptation to the changes and ensure its competitiveness in the labor market, and secondly, the need improve the methodological and didactic organization of the process-oriented professional training of future specialists, and thirdly, the objective need of modern society in the training of future specialists can be integrated into the global information space, and fourthly, the trends of the national educational policy. Scientists say that human knowledge is processed them educational information, the added cash to the mental experience [4]. Body of knowledge on ways and means of collecting, processing and transmission of information to obtain new information about the object under study, using software and hardware is information technology [5]. Information technology, providing access to information through the Internet, contribute to the organization of independent work of students. The use of Internet resources (educational software using graphics, multimedia technology, etc.) provides the student with new opportunities for independent learning, contributes to the development of visual thinking and provides information at a higher level of understanding.
The use of information technology occupies an important place in teaching not only math, natural science, but also social and humanities. However, as noted by contemporary researchers in the field of distance learning and mixed (V.M. Vilotievich, M. Monks, Vladimir Yudin), their use is generally done without reliance on didactic concepts, is often fragmentary and inconsistent, often reduced only to the transfer of educational information. It should be noted that the future specialists understanding of the universal methods of solving problems, developing skills to apply knowledge to new situations depends, to a greater extent on the nature of his intellectual activity, activity, performance feedback, professional direction of the professional activity, and to a lesser - on how to material data carrier operates a student. The idea of the educational-govermental organization of work and independent work of future specialists using information technology can be rejected by the teacher and future specialists are not accepted because of an incomplete accounting of pedagogical patterns that underlie the learning process in any of his organization.
In article D.T. Rudakova [6] the principles of e-learning, the impact of the information environment on the development of the content of cognitive activity, as well as in the work, and E.B. Mikhailova [7] the formation of professional foreign language competence of students of engineering specialties using the tools of information and communication technologies. Information and computer technology in teaching English language of future specialists very efficiently, as the didactic function of this technology are broad. This is due to the fact that computer technology to gather information multichannel, and therefore significantly increases the volume of information received, and the quality of learning. The increasing introduction of new information technologies in educational process of the International Kazakh-Turkish University by A. Yasawi, one of the pressing problems of training specialists of international level is the task of developing methods of using Internet technology in forming the information and communication competence of future professionals electricity. How the information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. The basic set of services may include: electronic mail (e-mail); newsgroups (Usenet); video conferencing, the ability to publish their own information to create its own home page (homepage) and placing it on the Web-server, access to information resources: Reference Directories (Yahoo!, InfoSeek/Ultra Smart, Look Smart, Galaxy); search engines (Alta Vista, Hot Bob, Open Text, WebCrawler, Excite); online conversation (Chat). The use of information technologies in teaching foreign languages allows future specialists to have access to a wide range of contemporary information to develop various skills.
Information-communicative competence is regarded by us as a system of informational resources required to build an effective communicative action in the range of situations of professional interpersonal and intercultural interaction. The communicative act of a professional includes the analysis and assessment of the situation, the formation of the operational objectives and actions, the implementation of the plan or its correction, evaluation of effectiveness. Hence, information-communicative competence - the ability to successfully use the English language, to act with it on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving professional problems. Information-communicative competence of future specialists should include the power of cognitive-activity, creativity, and behavioral and emotional components that are generated in the process of language training with the use of complex linguodidactic resources and interactive tools, linguistic and informational support. Since forming the basis of information and communicative competence is competence-based approach, then it is established the relationship between enjoyment and learning of English. The use of language and its study include human actions in the implementation of which it is developing a number of competencies: general and communicative. They provide a solution to problems in various conditions, taking into account the various constraints and implemented in the activities and actions aimed at the perception of the texts in connection with certain topics and areas of communication and the use of appropriate strategies. Accounting for these processes are communicants leads to further development and modification of these competencies. The available information support enables student learning the basics of the computer at the initial stage of training, and then become power users of application programs, to master skills. You can also add that the main activities in shaping the information and communication technologies with the use of the Internet is to work with Web sites designed to teach English, the use of the Internet as a source of authentic materials about the culture of the country the language is spoken; of web forums or telecommunications projects and the use of Internet technologies to develop and implement a web quest projects. Web design is the result of a combination of design techniques with the capabilities of the Internet and can be effectively integrated into the process of learning English. Web projects, being the kind of complex tasks require a teacher, project manager, a high level of subject expertise and information, and on learning - skills for working with information and information technology. Using the assignments based on Internet technology in teaching English language learners requires an appropriate level of proficiency [8].
At the present stage in the International Kazakh-Turkish University Yasavi, particularly in the specialty 5B071800 - electricity in the classroom of English used new methods of using information and computer technologies that are opposed to traditional learning. Available in the Engineering Faculty of Education ICGS them. A. Yasavi computers (5 Comp. Classes), multimedia devices (3 m/projector and screen, 5 interactive. Boards) allow to train students with the optimal load on a computer.
In the process of formation and Info-communicative competence of students in the specialty «Power» are very active interest in information and computer and Internet technology, the Internet, in this case acts as an excellent means to develop their creative abilities. The main advantages of using the Internet - technologies are increasing interest in learning, developing independence, the development of responsibility and commitment. In order to teach future professionals electricity communicate in English, you need to create a real, real life situations that will stimulate the study of the material, and to develop adequate behavior.
In order to successfully train future professionals elektoenergetiki English, the teacher should arouse interest in the subject studied and regularly maintain it. In this connection there arises the problem of full and careful study of ways to get information.
Since there is currently active is the type of transition to the information society, the computerization of education is seen as a necessary condition for the development of personality in modern etape. Vazhno to the classroom English language learners feel the beauty of language.
For this purpose, you can use different active forms and methods of work. Communicating in real language environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in these situations. Involved in addressing a wide range of meaningful, realistic and achievable interesting tasks, students learn spontaneously and adequately respond to them, which stimulates the creation of original expression, but not a template manipulation language formulas. Internet has endless information capabilities. The information system offers Internet users a variety of information resources: web pages of all newspapers around the world in English, country sites, encyclopedias. Students in the practical training of English language works, using the computer dictionaries as well as regional studies on the sites that make it possible to obtain useful information about life and culture of the country the language is spoken. Also on the Internet you can find many sites devoted to learning foreign languages. The most positive in the use of the Internet is its information content, as well as his role is great in motivating learning, and, consequently, the effectiveness of training. Students visually represent themselves, for what they need good language skills. All of this is developing autonomy in language learning, information forms, linguistic and communicative competence of future professionals, promotes the development of analytical skills.
In the process of using Internet technology is changing and the role of the teacher, whose main task - to support and guide the development of individual students and their creative research. Relationships with students based on the principles of cooperation and joint work. In these circumstances, inevitable revision of existing today, forms of organization of educational work: an increase in independent individual and group work of students, a departure from the traditional classes dominated by explanatory and illustrative method of teaching, increase the practical and creative work and research the nature of the search. The above is the basis for the formulation of priorities that follow from the requirements of informatization of higher education in the aspect of training of future specialists of Power:
to improve the process of preparing the future of Power Systems based on the use of Internet technologies in higher education, the revision of the organizational forms of educational activities, develop a package of training and procedural documentation, taking into account the specific features of professional experts of Power;
to study issues of the preparatory process for the future of Power methodology and how-forming qualities of a specialist, characterized by the ability to develop and optimize the use of modern information technology.
Future professionals must be competitive in the labor market demand. Therefore, the aims of education are determined primarily on the basis of the curriculum requirements for skills and knowledge and the requirements of the society to develop and foster a new generation. Future professionals must be able to own, operate actively, make decisions, flexible to adapt to the changing conditions of life.
We reaffirm the fact that the analysis of scientific sources and teaching them to practice in IKTU by A. Yasawi, the department «Electric» shows that the use of Internet technologies in teaching English language of future specialists is of great importance and promotes informational-communication competence of future specialists. Scientific and practical research will be continued and at this stage of our research we conclude about the significance and relevance of using information and computer technology in forming the information and communication competence of future professionals the power industry, the modernization of the educational process, updating the content of the subject of English for future specialists, which accordingly affect the change in the professional training of electric power.
State Program for Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 // Www.edu.gov.kz.
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The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference «Innovative technologies in the higher and vocational training», Spain, 2-9, August, 2012, came to the editorial office on 06.06.2012.