Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Lazebnik L.B., Kostyuchenko L.N., Kostyuchenko M.V., Kuzmina T.N.

Nowdays, because of development of surgical techniques and reanimatology a lot of patients with a shot bowel survive after operations - shot bowel syndrome (in cases of big bowel resections). But then patients need metabolic correction for a long period. More than 75% of patients with shot bowel syndrome have malabsorbtion (Pironi et al., 1991; Lochs et al., 2006) and need home care enteral feeding. There are 10 times more patients on home parenteral feeding in the USA than in Europe, and it is the same for enteral feeding (H. Lochs, D.R. Thomas,2005).

In Moscow the number of patients with shot bowel syndrome (according to reports taking from the main specialists in gastroenterology of the Moscow medical Department) who need in metabolic treatment with using a parenteral and enteral feeding increased steadily throughout 2006, picked up in 2009 and then onwards stabilized from 2011. The investigations give information about patients needing nutrition support in different Moscow regions: the SouthWest Region has lower number of patients whereas the NorthEast administrative region has risen, and the North administrative region has a higher figure. Summarizing the information by selecting the main features we can make comparisons where relevant to organize medical nutrition support. The second problem is when does malnutrition become a risk? Malnutrition is difficult to diagnose in outpatients, especially in patients with short bowel syndrome. For patients with a small bowel length less 50 cm we prefer the preventive hospitalization one time a half year.

In the article we wanted to up the problem of more effective supporting home parenteral and enteral feeding for patients with a shot bowel.

The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference Practitioner, Italy (Rome-Florence), 6-13, September, 2012, came to the editorial office on 02.07.2012.