A special role at the complex of actions that form full-fledged personality of child belongs to the physical development. But as the analysis of literary sources shows, the comparison of the level of child´s physical development occurs within the middle-aged rates of physical condition in any single Russian region, usually in Moscow and its area. The aim of this research is examination of morphological peculiarities of physical development of junior schoolchildren of comprehensive school and specialized educational institution of compensating type in Krasnodar krai. For solving this problem in this research there was applied anthropometric method. We used generally accepted anthropometrical instruments: easel wooden stadiometer (for length of the body measurement), metallic auxanometer of Martin, centimeter tape, floor electronic balance. For every child there was created a special «Chart of anthropometric facts», in which there were entered showings, received at the result of measurements. At the experiment there took part children of junior school age about 8-11 years old in quantity of 123 persons, 82 of them were students of Krasnodar comprehensive school № 12 (48 girl and 34 boys) and 41 of them were students of State specialized educational institution of compensating type of Belaya Glina village in Krasnodar krai (20 girls and 21 boys). As the result of research there was stated that the dynamics of average length of the bodies within 8-11 years old children of specialized educational institution of compensating type has positive tendency and is identical to the development of this characteristic within their peers of comprehensive school; by the average showings of body weight student of specialized educational institution have low values in comparison with children of comprehensive school. Thereby, received anthropometrical showings, which characterize physical development of junior schoolchildren of comprehensive school and specialized educational institution of compensating type, are able to be used for improvement of the process of physical education within the scope of educational program.
The work was submitted to the International Scientific Conference «The introduction of integrated models of educational institutions, implementing educational programs at various levels of education», Singapore, December, 10-17, 2011, came to the editorial office on 01.12.2011.