Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Batyreva L.A., Kulikova S.S., Lipunova E.A.

In genesis of endocrine sterility a syndrome of cystic disease ovary (SPKO) equals from 35 to 85 %of cases, and its part in the structure of infertile marriages is 20 %. It has been established that the most significant characteristics of SPKO (increase in luteinizing hormone and testosterone in blood plasma, cystic alterations of ovary and metabolic disturbances) interfere with natural undergo of superovulation stimulation and affects the quality of received oocytes and development of embryos.

The objective of the research is to estimate the quality of received oocytes in in comparison of two short protocols of superovulation stimulation among women with diagnosis of SPKO.

All patients involved into analysis received daily recombinant FSH (honal-F, 75 ME) at the background of discharging of introduction of agonist HtRH of difereline 0,1 mg (31 people, group 1) of with the implementation of antagonist HrTH of cetrotyde 0,25 mg (29 people, group 2). Average age of patients equaled 30,8 and 30,2 years correspondingly. Therapy principle was in an individual selection of preparation and its dose. Control of folliculogenesis, intake of oocytes and transportation of embryos as well as embryological stage of the program was carried out according to standard methods. The support of lutein phase was established individually. As a criterion of treatment effectiveness we used the frequency of development of hyperstimulation of ovary syndrome of average and severe degree.

From the inspected 60 patients clinical pregnancy was achieved among 26 women (43,3 %), while the protocol with cetrocyte was more effective, frequency of pregnancy was higher in the second group of 5,7 % (p < 0,05). The frequency of pregnancy over superovulation stimulation correlates with higher greater number of received oocytes and was unreliably higher among women who received diferelin, possibly because of increase in unripe forms; in the group with cetrotyde a trend of oocytes overgrowth was registered. AN average number of oocytes with normal fecundation in groups didn´t differ dramatically. However, the frequency of presence of ovary hyperstimulation syndrome that represents a serious problem under a superovulation induction among patients with SPKO in program of auxiliary reproductive technologies was lower by 37,2 % in the group with cytrocyte (p < 0,01).

Thus, an overcoming of sterility among women with SPKO requires individual approach to usage of different protocols of superovulation stimulation that is adequate for an endocrine status and condition of ovary that directly affects the quality of received oocytes.

The work was submitted to International Scientific Conference «New technologies, innovation, invention», Turkey (Antalya), August, 16-23, 2011,came to the editorial office on 27.07.2011.