Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Goncharov V.
The defined and the specified presentations on the information are being formed in the social communication conceptions [1].

The environment, through which the communication is being conducted, is the communicative one. If, for example, the communication is being carried out by the electromagnetic waves (e.g. the radio waves), then they are made the environment in the defined and the specified space. The environmental air is such kind of the environment for the information transmission between the people by means of the articulated speech. When the environment is being served, only for the information transmission realization, then it, in the full measure, is being corresponded to the name of the communicative one. If the environment is being used not only for the transmission, but and for the information storage, then such environment, with the good reason, it is quite possible to be named the communicative one. The social memory material elements are being formed in such kind of the environment. Thus, this environment is being evolved, and the social memory material cells and the informational environment are being improved, and they are being perfected.

As A.V. Petrov [1] notes, the informational environment evolution has historically been passed in the space unification forms: if the branch points´ quantity has been defined by the big cities and the metropolises geographical location for the flag telegraph, then the electrical telegraph has already multiplied the connection points´ quantity. Subsequently, the telephony has been making up the «homogenous» space, including the cellular communications, which almost completely is being removed the subscriber´s location challenge, having organized the necessary «information» access to the man in his house, in his apartment, at his work, in his car... in the quite various and the different places.

The whole physically realized network complexity is being acquired the one measurement, when the space structure significance is being disappeared (e.g. the special differences have already been leveled hardwarily, by means of the peculiar cells, or «the honeycombs»): the devices are being gotten more complex and sophisticated, which, in their turn, «are being leveled» the geological and the municipal relief.

So, and the human contact character is constantly being changed together with the information network formation. When the messenger carries the letter, he is being restricted in his own possibilities to be accelerated the message transfer by the horse power (e.g. the speed). So, the telephone has already been restricted, owing to the large quantity of the «operating» points at the early stage of its development. The connections inside the network are being depended on the telephone «young lady´s» manual dexterity, but on the telephone talkers´ comprehension - in the telephone contact sphere. As the information transmission must be left the functional one (e.g. the network, which is being passed the information, having left behind the telephone talkers´ comprehension, is not carried out its main function), then the network development potential is being realized in its further internal improvement and the perfection. There are the main optimization resources, here, as the information transmission velocity, well as the contact quality. So, the technique is begun to be withdrawn the man from the intermediary events sphere. If the distance, at which the message is being passed, is the great one, but the quality must be excluded the natural noise, which is being created by the electrical interferences, then the man, who is being involved in the information transmission process, does not already quite directly have his influence upon the necessary communication parameters. In the end, his role is more and more came to the network physical components maintenance, and that is why, he is completely excluded from the «channels switching» process.

The disruption is being taken its place between the comfort, the offering services satisfactory quality, the actual essence for the user and the consumer, and also the internal processes complexity of the communication provision in the process of the informational environment evolution. So, the man is losing his presentation on the fact that is being taken its place during the whole communication extent: simply, he is not quite needed in such kind of knowledge. The communication process itself is being perceived by the consumer, as the contact with the interlocutor, though the technical forms, having provided the information transmission quality, are being gotten more complex and more complicated, and they are being differentiated during the whole length of the informational «space». Thus, it has gradually become quite clear, that the evolution at the network borders is being proceeded much slower, than its internal further development.

And so, the code status is being changed with the following internal complexity rise. So, the messages are being created, sent and accepted, which are not intended for the user, and they are not interpreted by him in any way in the technical sphere, with the devices advent, which are being made the selection operations (e.g. the control and the routing). Hence, there is more the one significant result. Thus, the informational environment has already become uncommonly multi-dimensional in the evolution process: the flows of the «additional» (e.g. technical) communications are being organized for the enhancement and the further quality improvement of the transmitted information, which are more and more being jointed with the information, having come from outside and having gone away of the network physical world abroad with the computer engineering development. So, the information «program unity» has been emerged - that is the new environment, which is being increased the self-reference (e.g. from the Latin language referre - «communicate») flows part in the communication - the information on the necessary information (e.g. the programs for the other programs). In the end, the users Internet chat are not transmitting anything to each other, except the program products, in the Internet chat, which are being situationally «distorted» by their user interference (e.g. the E-Mail message text). The code, having rolled out the intelligent text for the user, itself is being realized only in the operation system (OS) shell (e.g. of the other codes) in the E-Mail message; the message has not already been able to be read (e.g. to be perceived and to be comprehended) outside of it.

A.V. Petrov, having considered the informational environment natural evolution, has found out that the network service and maintenance methods, and also the informatization process, on the whole, are getting more complex and are getting more complicated. This is being depended, in many respects, the aspects, and the ways on the control for the information content, and on the communication structure control system. The technical workers have to use the information, which only the network itself is quite able to be provided, having tested its proper space, in order to be increased physical disorders removal velocity. Practically, the man begins to be entered into the dialogue with the information environment, having asked the questions, and having received the answers «from the inside part» of the system. So, the contacts zone is being formed in such a way, for which it is not any longer the «the man (e.g. the homo sapience) - the machine (e.g. the unreasonable mechanism)» the non - actually communicative sides´ inequality. That is why, the direct man´s conversation with the technique is quite absurd, but it is being acquired the fantastic sense-making, owing to the mediation phenomenon, or to the interface, by means of the information environment.

The interface - this is one of the most products, which the specific character and the specificity are usually being revealed in the dimensionality. The specific objects have already been organized, especially for the man in the sphere of his activity, which, in their turn, are being permitted, in order them to be perceived, as the real ones (e.g. the «usual» key buttons in the every program), but the actions, having performed by all these objects, are being transformed into the codes, which are being processed by the special programs «independently» from the fact, what kind of the reality from they are being transmitted. So, the interface has the same main function, which is the multi-dimensional one: it has been designed to be provided the coincidence and the combination between the man and «the program». The interface is being provided that kind of activity, which has been earlier the only man´s prerogative to the information environment, and, moreover, this activity, possibly, has already been much exceeded the user´s activity.

Thus, it has already been turned out, that the information phenomenon is not being made up into the «data» notion any more; it, in its turn, is being entered into the great number of the technical, the cultural, and the social contexts, it has become the factor even of the interpersonal communication. Also, it is quite possible to be said, that there is the possibility to be designed its «interface» for the every contact in the information culture.

How to be described the symbiosis, which has already been appeared? How much is this kind of information universal for all the relations´ types, which are not only the complex ones, but as well the simple ones? Is it really the Universe constantly being evaluated, owing to all the new subsequent relations «increments», which are quite possible to be acknowledged the information ones? And, at last, how the information general theory can to be simplified the dialogue between the various sciences, having collided in the renewed world? Here you are, all those challenges, which are the most actual ones for the contemporary further development [2].

For all this, the people informational needs and the data requirements are constantly being increased, and the more and more attention is being concentrated upon the information axiological qualities. Such valuable parameters of the social information have been become the most priority ones, as the following: the actuality, the novelty, the truthfulness, the completeness degree, the intensity, the reliability, and the accessibility.

Thus, the scientific knowledge, having accumulated to the second half of the ХХ - th century, is already permitted long ago to be stated that fact, that the information in the nature is constantly being transmitted beyond the dependence on that, the highly developed consciousness is being or not existed. The insects «reasonable» behavior, the heredity and the DNA, the chaotic molecular processes study and the research are being provided the affirmation on the information manifestations omnipresence or the universality. But, at the same time, the same phenomenon is being asked and the other question before the informationalism epoch, is it possible to be created the description, which, at long last, is organically being incorporated the human consciousness into the inanimate and the inorganic nature world within the framework of the information general theory.


  1. Petrov А.V. The Information Environment Natural Evolution and the Gnosiological Complexity Threshold. // The Opened Distant Education. - 2004 - №1(13);
  2. Kastels M. The Information Epoch: the Economy, Society, Culture. - М., 2000.

The paper has been presented for the «Transmission and the Information Processing Challenges» Scientific International Conference, the United Arab Emirates - UAE (Dubai), October 16-23, 2009. Recieved by the editorship on 28.08.2009.