Higher education is directly and mediately related to national economics, science and social culture. Therefore its development is an important part of general national development strategy. Assuming success of higher school, we can´t neglect the fact, that with indisputable success in progress, the quality of our graduates doesn´t meet modern demands. It is revealed by the fact that we have one of the greatest engineering and economic manpower potential, and at the same time we are significantly behind from world level in quality of products and services, average productivity of labor, reached in the world.
Last years heavy discussions in Russia are in the first place concerned about reforming the higher school. There are many points of view, but most of the offered decisions are not systematical and are aiming to solve only one detached objective.
But the government´s voice has a peremptory tone and says about obligatory transition of traditional education system to Two-Level educational system according to Bologna Process. They are assuming that this system will definitely lead Russian Higher Education to world level, and will let graduates be competitive and demanded in national and world economics.
We believe that in this case takes place a substitution of an essence of education by forms of education. A fortiori, if with reforming the form of education we don´t reach the goal, then, a priori the "bad teachers" are to blame. However we suppose that Higher Education in Russia including economic education is an integral system that shows problems of society and economics in tote. These problems can´t be solved only with transition to multi-level education of students.
It is known that requirements to education of a specialist are being formulated beyond the education system. They are formed according to common economic, and social purposes of government, demands of employers. Ability to predict and foresee development of higher professional education - is one of the most important conditions of its successful functioning.
Our research allowed us to provide first-priority objectives in reforming Higher Education in Russia:
- search of new more flexible and efficient structural forms of education, which reflect demands of society and capabilities of present education system (dynamic balance between potential and demands with leading role of social and employers´ orders) in conditions of limited resources;
- solving problems in interactions of different parts of education system, which can be assumed as development steps from simple to complex;
- organizing education quality control and correspondence of education system to defined goals and society demands;
- filling in the present educational constructions, development of a supporting mechanism which ensures self-development of education system, optimal correlation between educational components;
- seek of way to integration into world education system;
- revelation of specific mechanisms to realization of educational demands;
- economical and legislative support of qualitively new forming of an education system.
Peculiarity of multi-level education - is an appearance of different educational objectives on different levels (steps) of training. The main objective on each level is forming a creative thinking and conditions for self-actualization
First level - activization of traditional types of educational activities (problem and "no-writing" lectures, press-conference-lectures and etc., dialogue seminars, role-based seminars and etc.)
Second level - Activization of informational education technologies; their variety and problem, lessons in classroom, and also during students self-work (computers, movies, television and etc.) And the same time methods of active education are essential
Third level - Context approach, application of knowledge and abilities in solution of quasiprofessional objectives. Wide implementation of active (including business play and gaming simulation) and informational education technologies.
Education of Masters - lessons with research elements, participation in real business games (innovative, business problem-solving, organizing-and-acting).
There are some reasons to suppose that the form of education is not the dominant factor in education of the higher qualification cadre, but the content of education, contained in study plans and programs supported by society and government with essential resources for high quality education of competitive graduates on labour market.
The work is submitted to the Scientific International Conference «Current problems of education», October, 15-22, 2010, Greece, came to the editorial office on 11.08.2010.