In conditions of increasing requirements to the quality of general education school should guarantee not only the digestion by students of defined sum of knowledge, but also development of personality of student. For this, in the opinion of V.V.Serikov [4], it´s necessary to ensure intellectual development and personal growth, developing the abilities to the strategic activity, creativity, criticality, meaning of creativity, the system of needs and motives, ability to self-determination, self-development, positive conception I etc.
Nowadays there is more spreading the conviction that narrowly tactical "subject-oriented or technological approach" in education should give way to more wide and strategic "personal-oriented or humanistic approach". Modern school needs humanization of educational process. From then, the reasonability of use in
the practice of education and upbringing of students of personality-oriented approach, by which one understand self-development of personality of child while creative participation, interaction with teacher.
Today teacher decides himself what program to follow, what educational methodical complex to chose. The choice of organized forms and methods of education is also given to the teacher. Therefore, there becomes more actual the necessity in teacher, who, orienting in the wide educational space and different theoretical directions, technologies, could not only take a part at innovative process, but also independently project his pedagogical activity, effectively using achievements of such sciences as psychology and pedagogy.
Personality-oriented approach in modern educational process predetermines double position of teacher - to be simultaneously teacher of school subject and psychologist [3]. From the moment teacher could make an educational process psychological, open origin cognitive possibilities of each student and in correspondence with it build for him individual educational trajectory of self-development, the effectiveness of educational activity will rise, it will diversify the educational process, make it more interesting, comfortable, and in the final analysis will promote the quality of education and satisfaction of teacher by his own labour [1, 2].
In this connection the big meaning is gain by personal readiness of pedagogue for creative interaction with students, which is realized in his professionalism and is expressed in creative search of new, more effective ways of solving of pedagogical problems, in ability to adapt to the new types "subject-subject relations", in aspiration for self-realization and self-improvement at the process of his professional career.
Carried out analysis of researches
allows to make a conclusion that the problem of forming of personal readiness to creative interaction is rather actual and is examined in different directions, and each new round in the development of modern education requires the new trying to understand of this problem and of new approaches of its solving.
Accordingly to personal-oriented approach, so that student be a full subject of educational-cognitive activity, it may be important to realize defined psychologically-pedagogical conditions at the process of his creative interaction with teacher. While these conditions, through the system "subject-subject relations" there is formed active-personal readiness to the self-development [5].
By the personal readiness to the creative interaction of teacher and students we understand psychologically-pedagogical direction, mood for constructive activity, mobilization of abilities to the combined active and reasonable skills, which condition the quality of education and effectiveness of educational activity.
Essential meaning while this will has the readiness of scientific paradigm about what place will occupy the personal readiness for creative interaction at the educational process, professional activity.
The most important psychologically-pedagogical conditions that testify to the formation of personal readiness to creative interaction will be:
1. Readiness of pedagogue for the realization of personal-oriented approach. Personal readiness of pedagogue requires the actualization of development of his psychological abilities (communicative, organizing, gnostic, constructive, reflexive):
- during the communication with pupils to accent the attention at the subject of activity or relations;
- to instrument the recognition of pupil and pedagogue to the difference in opinions, judgments, tastes, abilities - then communication with children becomes interesting, spiritually rich;
- not to resort to direct and open assessment of pupil, while the estimation to use the trick "me-message", then there is strengthened the confidence of student, there is risen his activity and self-appraisal;
- the appearance of empathic understanding of students, respect, benevolence, expression of sympathy for his vital functions, to empathize his successes and failures;
- to accentuate the uniqueness of his personality´s "I" - then there is risen the status and self-control of this pupil in the group.
2. The transfer of student from the position of object of upbringing and education to the subject of self-development.
This condition will be realized if:
- there is guaranteed the subject-subject interaction of all participants of educational process.
- the creation at the lessons the situation of success at the educational activity, which creates the conditions for guaranteeing to the student the positive experience of growing before the group and pedagogue, what stimulates further self-cultivation of personality and is a source of self-development, self-education;
- interpersonal relations, which suppose the creation at the lessons the mutual understanding, benevolence and openness. Pedagogue should become true advisor-facilitator, who has an authority and respect among the students.
3. The creation of situations of personality self-development and mutual "creative enrichment" ingenuously at educational lessons. This condition provides for:
- the contact between the pedagogue and students through the dialogue, which supposes the equality of psychological positions of two interacting sides. The situation of two-side interaction means the active role of all enabled sides. Dialogic interaction supposes:
- reorientation of space of education to the personality sphere of students;
- "playing and creative" form for the creation of situations of personality development with active use of methods of mutual education, mutual control, change of role positions;
- the use of means and methods for forming of motivation of studying. Educational process is directed to the forming of positive motivation, in its replenishment by the mean of activity of personality itself;
- the use of problem methods of education in the digesting of results of scientific cognition, system of knowledge, process of getting of results, forming of cognitive independence and development of creative abilities of student.
4. One of the conditions of realization of personal-oriented education at school can become the organization of psychological preparation of students and pedagogues.
As principle directions of preparation for activity of teachers and students in school should be examined and realized the methods of psychological support, psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnosis, psychocorrection, psychological consultation, psychological enlightenment and other methods. Positive meaning has the generalizing of experience of psychological, professional consulting, for example, through the dialog; carrying out of subject-reflexive trainings; giving of individual consultative help to pupil. The fact is the prevail at the school group forms of lessons, including group games, group trainings etc, are more suitable for the training of thinking but not for the development of secret sides of personality. Therefore personal contact of student with high-qualified specialist psychologist-pedagogue can be irreplaceable mean of individual support of pupil, if he has a necessity in this support and has realized that.
5. The important condition of forming of personal readiness is control and self-control, which plays a role of opposite connection in the development of personality. The effective diagnosis of personality should be based at the information about revealing of personality not in some one, comparatively narrow type of educationally-subject activity, but in the vital functions, that means to have system-style character. Nowadays the technology of psychologically-pedagogical control as the system of psychological support begins to work in modern school. The base problem consists in scientifically-research skill of teacher to professionally use received facts for educationally-upbringing process.
Proceeding from information stated by us on can say, that the interest to the research of psychologically-pedagogical conditions of forming the personal readiness to the creative interaction in conditions of modern educational process testifies to the actuality of this range of problems. And with it there are still not enough examined the specific components of personal readiness to creative interaction of teacher and pupils to the combined in conditions of educational activity. There have need of renewing the methods of selective formation of psychological readiness of future teachers of a school subjects to the creative interaction even during HEI´s preparation.
Nowadays there is no less important the problem of diagnostic, development of criterions, means and methods of condition of personal readiness to creative interaction, what is necessary for the creation of theory, and for practical aims - the control and direction of readinessm prediction, projecting, assessment in the decision of creative tasks, situations of subject-subject interaction, special psychological preparation, guaranteeing the effectiveness and success of educational activity and psychical health.
This whole complex of problems requires further efforts for its solving.
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