The analysis of Russian and foreign works allows to make conclusion that intellectual educational systems (IES) as new educational technologies are able to provide the new experience of education for future information security specialists in consideration of raised requirements for their training level all over the world. The specificity of IES consist in educational process modeling using dynamically developing knowledge base and automatic selection of efficient strategy and personal individual education trajectory, automated registration and analysis of new information entering in the database. In addition, intellectual educational systems allow to resolve the local problems of self-education of students and control the level of their professional skills. These systems can manage the student´s education, resolving problems that they will meet in their further professional activity and controlling unassisted student´s work.
Thus, the main task of present-day professor consist in the choosing of optimal and valid organization forms of education and using such a innovation techniques and methods in the educational process, that will provide efficient mastering of professionally significant knowledge, skills, acquirements necessary for future specialist at any professional activity. Using of intellectual educational system as the methodical guide of unassisted student´s training doesn´t just provide efficient mastering of professionally significant knowledge, skills, acquirements necessary for future specialist at any professional activity, but transform the professor´s mission into the mission of organizer of student´s educational activity, possessing the efficient tool that allow to achieve nice results in education´s quality.
The work is submitted to Scientific Conference "The Problems of International Integration of Educational Standards", England (London) - France (Paris),
April 23 - May 1, 2010. Came to the editorial office on 05.03.2010.