At this time, the moral behavior basis is being laid, the moral norms and the code of behavior learning and mastering is being taken their place, the personality social direction and the orientation is begun to be formed. The junior schoolchildren temperament suitability manifestations are quite able to be distinguished by their discrepancy and the instability. In this connection, the temporary mental and the psychical states are quite to be accepted sometimes for the traits of the character.
So, in the school, the interests, especially the cognitive interest to the world around knowledge and the cognition, the keen intention to be known much more, the intellectual desire for the further learning are very noticeably being developed during the first learning years. The feeling and the emotional experience have the great significance by the schoolchild of his successes and the accomplishments in the teaching, which are being defined, in particular, by the teacher´s corresponding control and the grade [1].
Exactly, therefore, the elementary forms and the primary grades teacher is necessary to be orientated and to be directed towards the junior schoolchildren psychical, the mental and the physical development regularities for the more comfortable medium creation of the children personality formation. So, the teacher himself professional qualifications are being played here the role of no small significance.
Thus, the competence is being defined, as «the specific ability, which is necessary for the specific action efficient fulfillment, in the specific object activity, and it is being included the highly tailored knowledge, the object skills, the manners of thought special sort, and also the responsibility comprehension for his actions» (G. Raven) [3].
Lukyanova M.E., under the teacher´s psycho-educational competence, understands the personality defined and the specified qualities (e.g. the properties) totality with high level of the professional qualifications to the pedagogical activity and to the efficient interaction with the schoolchildren in the educational process. So, she is considering the psycho - educational orientation and the direction blocks, as the psycho - educational qualifications components [2].
His theoretical and the practical preparedness unity to the pedagogical activity realization is being understood, under the teacher´s professional qualifications by Sorokina T.M. So, the competence is being considered, as one from the professionalism stages, having made up the teacher´s pedagogical activity basis. Thus, the teacher´s professional qualifications are being interpreted, as the personality ability to be solved, as the different pedagogical, well as the various educational tasks types at the diverse level [5].
The pedagogical orientation and the educational direction interpretation by Sorokina T.M., as the teacher´s grade school professional qualifications basis education, having consisted in, including it´s the most significant characteristic, is «the orientation and the direction towards the child». The teacher´s pedagogical orientation and the educational direction towards the child is being pursued its object not only for him the psycho-comfortable conditions creation for the personality further development, but and to be formed and also to be cultivated the learning motivation, the world around knowledge and the cognition, the people, and he himself at the schoolchild. It, moreover, is being assumed the concern on the child, the interest to him, the love, the assistance to his personality the further development, and also his individuality maximum self - actualization.
First of all, such specific pedagogical orientation and the educational direction in the psycho-comfortable conditions creation for the child personality further development at the grade school teacher is being revealed in the following:
a) The humanistic pedagogical and the educational world outlook peculiarities and the specific features, having permitted «the pedagogical and the educational space» system vital and the life activity organization and the direction for the junior schoolchildren to be carried out by such teacher. This system is being included in itself: the teacher and the play group interactions peculiarities and the specific features; the communication organization with the parent group and their own occupational self - perfection.
b) In the occupational integrative knowledge and the skills system, which are being realized through the teacher´s flexible pedagogical and the educational thinking. The psychological knowledge, which «is being retained in itself» the main sense load of the grade school teacher´s preparation process, his further occupational perfection is the teacher´s integrative knowledge system pivot, as it is only quite to be realized at the psychological categories language, that is being happened with the child, in result of the object educational content influence, and also what kinds of the occupational preparation, for all this, the teacher will have to be demonstrated.
с) The personality´s specific orientation and the direction «towards the child», having made up the grade school teacher´s professional qualifications main content, is also being revealed in his managerial - diagnostically activity. The teacher´s professional qualifications this aspect is being included in itself the following occupational activity:
- the analytical ones, having permitted the teacher to make the diagnosis of the junior schoolchildren development peculiarities and the specific features in the learning process by means of the educational content;
- the designing ones, by means of which the teacher - pedagogue is being projected the child development possible variants under the teacher´s and the parents´ teaching influences impact;
- the predictive ones, having given the teacher his possibility to be created the child development perspective programs (e.g. the developing targets) in the learning process, and also their own self - perfection programs.
Thus, the grade school teacher´s «professional qualifications» category is being considered, as the collective notion, having defined the teacher´s personality peculiarity and the specific feature, as the educator - teacher and the child psychologist in the psycho-comfortable conditions creation for his personality development. The teacher´s conceptual acknowledgement of his pedagogical and the educational possibilities, the play group, the socium´s peculiarity and the specific feature its development perspectives (e.g. social phenomena actual characteristics, the parents´ group peculiarities and the specific features and etc.). Such conceptual acknowledgement is being defined the teacher´s occupational flexibility in the selection (but not the copying!) of the pedagogical and the educational technologies, the methods, having permitted to be realized the main target - that is, the conditions for the junior schoolchild personality positive development to be created [4].
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The paper has been presented for the «Fundamental and Applied Researches. The Education, Economy and Law» International Scientific Conference, Italy (Rome, Florence), September 6-13, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 29.07.2009.