Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Korytov V.A.
A concept of education as a social institution can be traced in all major educational documents of UNESCO. In particular, we mean the recommendations of International commission of education in XXI century, which described four global goals of education:

1 - learn to produce (economic function);

2 - learn to train (cultural-constructive function);

3 - learn to coexist (social function);

4 - learn to follow the healthy way of life in its physical and moral definition (valeological function).

In the "Major areas of social and economic policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the long-term perspective", section 1, "The reforming of education" (2000) the necessity of the development of continuous additional professional education is stated. This is explained by objective process of the obsolescence of knowledge and by the necessity of flexible and operative reaction to the new labour-market requirements for new knowledge, skills and relations.

In order to accomplish the successful professional activity in the new conditions the retraining and professional development of app. 20 million managers, specialists and state employees is required. To solve this problem it is not only needed to increase the bandwidth of the operating system of additional education by 300-400% but also significantly increase the quality of staff, the quality of professorial and teaching structure of the additional professional education system workers.

Non-state educational establishment "Intersectoral Institute" began its development in the early 1990s from changing the production relations within the organization:

  • the working process of the organization was determined not only by orders and directions of the higher agencies of education supervision and control, but, first of all, by needs of specialists of the industrial productions within this type of educational activity in the market of educational services;
  • worker´s salary was defined by work. As a percent of the implemented educational program by the tutor, master of production training, manager, who is responsible for training and graduation, income, for example. Or as a percent of the education institution income in whole - for the leader of the institution.
  • the responsibility for training one group of students was given to one person: tutor, master of production training, not to the whole team of subject tutors. The same person is in charge of the payroll for the implementation of training program within a student group.

Thus, the production relations within the education institution were transformed from the state relations into the democratic, market relations.

Education programmes and technologies of their implementation within the training process of the education institution were changed in comparison with those of the state educational institutions that all have one goal - give students that knowledge, abilities and skills that are defined by governmental authorities as necessary ones.

The goals of new programmes and technologies are:

  • firstly, help studying specialists obtain new or improve their professional competence in their specific professional area ( activity professionalism, personality professionalism and self-efficiency) in the most efficient way;
  • secondly, help managers and owners of the industrial enterprises and organizations to create and actualize professional qualification staff structure in the most efficient way.

After the primary analysis of the condition of industrial sectors of our country´s economy of the late 80-es and early 90-es we came to a conclusion, that the reason of their breakdown and stop was their lag from the development of scientific and technical progress. The main reason of this process was the lag in the professional education of production specialists (approximately for 2-3 generations).

First educational programmes of industrial enterprise workers training were aimed, generally, to teach those specialists to learn within the educational institute. Before that the knowledge, abilities and skills, needed for work were usually obtained by self-education. The skills of working "behind the desk" were forgotten by many. Since that, at the beginning the educational programmes for technical specialists were developed as a target courses aimed for studying one relatively small regulatory or technical document, Federal law or Rules or all-Union State Standard. Besides, the requirements of State technical supervisory authorities were often used as a motivation.

After that educational programmes of training specialists to solve new professional problems in the area of production safety, new technologies, economy, the efficiency of working process rise, production culture etc. were developed and implemented according to the requirements of the position and the work place of employee.

Nowadays new person-aimed educational programmes of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists according to their position or profession are developed within our institution.

We see further prospects of the development of educational programmes of the institutions of additional technical and professional education first of all in the corporate direction, which is training of the enterprise staff according to requirements of their inner technical regulations. Secondly, the training plans and programmes will be aimed for persistent education. That means that approximately 20-25% of working time industrial enterprises specialists will work and train within the additional technical and professional education institutions following the fixed schedule for a year (five, ten years, all their life) according to single prevailing plans and programmes.

New educational programmes define new methods of organization of the educational process, and, besides, new quality of work, new structure ad new content of educational institution. Hence the new system of educational institution quality management is exposed.

Nowadays State educational regulatory and methodical documents (State education standards) are used as some kind of recommendations within the system of non-state educational institutions of additional professional technical education

The study of basic documents of professional technical education for the period of the last quarter-century and the analysis of measures, carried out within the system of additional professional education according to regulations made by these documents, show us that the substance and the mechanisms of the education improvement and management processes are studied quite well. Logics and mechanisms of the education development are not studied enough for using it in practice yet. At present, additional professional technical education is in the process of development.

The problem of the development of successive educational programmes and corresponding educational standards within the system of additional professional education of industrial enterprises specialists training stays the subject of serious scientific discussions nowadays. Te ways of qualitative changes of the educational substance, forms, and methods within the educational institutions of additional professional technical education are seen by many researchers in a person-aimed training implemented by methods, pertaining to the humanities. That assumes that the process appeals to the presented individual system of the listener´s professional models, the person´s involvement in the person-aimed educational situations. Thus, the transformation of the education within institutions of additional education from person-estranged to person-aimed is not a technological measure, but a valuable one. From the position of humanist-system approach that means the bridge from the artificial, target-aimed educational system, to the value-aimed system pertaining to the humanities.

New educational programmes created the necessity of new educational institution form, within which the professional qualification personnel structure has new professional qualification qualities, different from those of academic institute of higher education. The work of tutors, methodologists, managers acquires an absolutely different nature by form, technologies and requirements. For example, a good tutor of additional professional technical educational system besides the skill of qualified exposition of his knowledge must also know how to pull the knowledge from the listeners, create a single informational and educational space according to the audience´s level in order to provide the experience exchange and set the direction of the discussion, structure and summarize the regulations made by specialists, understand the specific situations, offered by listeners, answer to the practical questions.

Methodologist does not only adapt standard or type educational programmes to the conditions of education process within the institution and the customer´s requirements, but also enrich it with new content, develops new forms and methods of their implementation. Since the number of developed, studied, affirmed, and coordinated educational programmes throughout the year is very big (more than 400), a powerful methodological department that is much bigger than those of state institutes was created within the Non-state Educational Establishment "Intersectoral Institute". Almost all programmes are author and require even more serious methodological work.

In a non-state educational institution of additional professional technical education the work of training and organization marketing service also acquires significance. High professional qualification qualities of methodological and education-organizing marketing service workers provide firmness and stability of the whole institution workflow.

Functional duties of professor and tutor personnel of non-state educational establishment acquire form different of those of a state institution. Besides the major specialist and methodist work a tutor must carry out management and marketing of his education services.

The non-state institution of additional professional technical education management must have absolutely different goals, forms, criterions because the institute work quality level is not defined by state executive authorities, but by the representatives of customer enterprises or natural persons, and that means, that they also define the activity goals within the educational services market. Accordingly, depending on new formulated goals new planning, function, control and educational institution management must be organized.

Today our educational programmes of additional professional training correspond to the nowadays requirements. They are in demand within the educational services market. Their implementation causes difficulties, origins of which we see in an imperfection of education programmes of academic educational institutions, and particularly secondary school.

Scientific methodological work within the system of non-state additional professional technical education is aimed for development and improvement of technological realization of industrial enterprises specialists professional retraining and further training programmes.

The technology of the education programmes development and methods of their realization within the tutorial process of state educational institutions are different from those of non-state educational institutions in the area of process targeting: the former are based on the technology of how to teach, the latest - what to teach.

In conclusion we would like to say that if we seriously want to create a functional system of additional professional technical education, we don´t have to rebuild our old professional education and get carried away by innovations, but create it in a new fashion.

The work is presented for All-Russia Science Conference "State Educational Institutions science development prospects", on 21st-24th of September 2009, Sochi. Came to the editorial office on 16.07.2009.