The gradual transition from the upbringing, the education and the training to the self - upbringing, the self - education and the self - training, from the upbringing, the education and the training subject to the upbringing, the education and the training subject position is being revealed in many intellectual and the moral phenomena of the man´s activity. So, this process common effect is the life plan, with which the young men and the young women are starting out in their independent life.
The vocational and the occupational choice, the value orientation for that or another social and the public life sphere, the ideas and the targets, which, in the very general view, are being defined the social conduct and the public behavior and also the relations on the threshold of the independent activity, - and all these are the separate and the certain moments, having characterized the independent life starting just in the society.
The social and the public activity development phase character is being revealed in the principal and the basic (e.g. creative, vocational, and occupational) activity states change, and it is quite able to be, more or less, exactly being determined by the biographical - chronologically method. B.G. Ananjev [2] singles out the following course of the life phases: 1) the preparatory one; 2) the starting is being considered, as the independent inclusion and the involvement period into the social and the public life; 3) the culmination or «the peak» - the highest achievements just in the chosen activity; 4) the finishing - the subject´s activity and the learning, and the cognition development process completion, that is being depended not only from the ageing, but also and from the personality´s relations, the positions, the living conditions whole aggregate in the society. The each one from all these phases is being characterized the subject activity structural change.
The case is in somewhat considerably more complex and complicated with the analogous and the similar phases in the man´s development history, as the personality. Beyond all doubt, the personality and the subject development preparatory phases are being completely coincided. However, it is quite possible to be determined the personality formation focal points and the highlights, the stabilization and the finishing only by means of the shifts and the displacements comparison by the man´s social and the public development many parameters: by the civil status, by the economic situation, by the family status, by the social and the public functions combination, and the cumulation, by the social and the public functions consolidation or the separation, by the development and the communication medium change, by the conflict situations, and by the vital challenges solution, by the life plan realization or the non - realization, by the success or by the unsuccess - by the triumph or by the defeat in the struggle [1, 2, 3].
The personality and the subject activity history is being developed just in the ontogenesis real space and the time and, to a certain degree, is being defined by them. And, increasingly, in a larger measure, it is so significant to be taken into consideration also and the social and the public development reverse influence upon the human nature change and the man´s course of his life upon his ontogenetic evolution.
The new genetic psychology had been come, as B.G. Ananjev wrote [3], from the mental development and the further mental growth comprehension, as the both different and various series, in essence, dialectical unity. The natural development series is, by his definition, one from all these series, the other one - is the cultural or the social and the cultural development. The question is on, so called the child´s heightened sensibility and the hypersusceptibility sensitive periods to the external influences, especially to the teaching and the upbringing, and the education, and the training process influences, that is, the intellect and the personality social and the public formation.
The forming man´s way of the life are being exerted their influence upon the growth rates and the further maturation, and also the work and the activity methods, which are the following - the playing one, the sporting one, the educational one, the labor one and the social conduct and the public behavior, the life regime, the meals, the sleeping, and the wakefulness eubiotics, which are closely connected with the personality status, the stresses´ presence or its absence, the most principal of which are the conflict situations and so on and so forth. All these above - mentioned factors are of the utmost importance and the significance not only by themselves, as the personality - the subject formation moments, but also, as the forces, having exerted upon the following man´s organic development just in the defined and the specified his ontogenesis moments. As this development determinants, they are usually being played the stimulators´ role, having promoted the growth and the maturation processes, or, on the contrary, the stresses and the depressors, having detained all these processes, but in a number of the cases - the catalysts, having accelerated the other factors action [3].
The sports peculiarities and the specific features consideration, as the socialization and the social growth factor is being forestalled and anticipated by the man´s formation theoretical analysis, as the activity subject. So, personal entry peculiarities and the specific features into the occupational and the vocational activity, its capability to the labor activity self - regulation and the self - programming are being revealed in the works and papers of B.G. Ananjev [3], O.A. Konopkin, V.D. Shadrikov [9], A.N. Leontjev [4] and the other psychologists. The man is being included, and he is being involved into the activity, as the personality in the existing or the becoming its relations to the world aggregate, to the events, to the tasks, to the life, on the whole, and to himself.
The activity subject formation is being assumed the individual activity public (e.g. social, vocational and occupational and so on, and so forth) regulation, its control by means of the activity conditions organization, the climate making in the staff and etc., on the one hand. On the other hand - the personality, as the activity subject is not only being developed his professional and the vocational skill, but and he is being revealed his personal activity and the self - regulation organization capability.
The personality study and the examination is being begun from his status definition, for all this, the personality oneself is being considered, as the development social and the public situations collective effect, as the different social and the various different structures and the historical processes influence object. However, it has already been turned out at the personality status study and the examination, that its activity measure is being increased in its own and proper status preservation or the transformation, depending on the social and the public community (e.g. of the class, of the stratum, of the group), to which it is being belonged to, as far as possible, its formation and the further development. So, the active, and the subjective status side is being acted, as in the form of the personality position, which is being occupied under the defined and the specified status conditions [5, 8].
As the sociology, well as the psychology are being paid their attention just on this combination peculiarity and the specific feature in the object and the subject qualities and the behavior human personality [3]. The personality position, as the social conduct and the public behavior subject and the diverse social and the varied public activity, is being presented the personality relations complex system (e.g. on the whole, to the society, to the labor, to the people, to himself), the purposes and the motives, which he is being guided by in his activity, the targets and the values, at which this activity is being directed. Thus, all this complex objective qualities and the behavior system is usually being realized just in the defined and the specified, social and the public functions - roles complex, having carried out by the man in the given social and the specified public development situations [8, 102].
In spite of the fact, that the personality, as the social and the public individual, is always carried out the defined social and the specified public functions, each of them is being realized by means of the original social conduct and the peculiar public behavior, he is being made and is being built in the form of the quite known conduct and the behavior systems, and having conditioned their motivations and their reasoning. All these conduct and the behavior, the motives and the social and the public functions systems of the personality, on the whole, are being determined by the morals and the rights standards, and also the other social and the public development phenomena. They are being orientated and are being directed toward the defined and the specified social conduct and the public behavior standards. The man´s every activity is practically being carried out in the subjective and the objectively relationship system, that is, the social relations and the public interconnections, which are being formed the man, as the social being and the public creature - who is the historical process personality, the subject, and the object.
The man is cognizing the surrounding world and the world around, and he is changing constantly it in the process of his every activity. So, the activity, having directed toward his own needs and the proper demands satisfaction, and also the requirements to him from the society and the state side is being comprehended under the man´s activity. So, the human life is quite impossible without any kind of the activity. The needs and the demands are being the personality´s activity chief and the principal source. The personality´s all sides are being revealed in his activity, and exactly the needs and the demands are being made the man to be acted. So, the need and the demand - this is the necessary motive to his activity, which, in its turn, is being realized, and it is being experienced by the man, as the need of something or the want of something [6, 9].
Thus, it is quite possible to be concluded, that the activity (e.g. the labor and the learning, and the cognition; the game and the studies, the sports and the various kinds amateur talent activities and the different amateur performances) is being carried out only in these relations and in these interconnections system. Therefore, the activity subject - is the personality - and he is being characterized by those or another rights and the obligations, which the society is being appropriated to him, by the functions and by the role, which he is playing just in the small group, in the staff, and in the society, on the whole. It is quite impossible the activity subject definition beyond the historically emerged object activity form, as the subject - the activity object - the activity means - are being made up the ensemble and the single and the organic whole. So, the activity is the man´s principal object activity, on the development basis of which all the other forms, including the game, and the studies, and the learning have been arisen and have been appeared [7].
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The paper has been presented for the «Present - Day Natural and Scientific Education» Scientific International Conference, France (Paris), October 13-20, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 14.10.2009.