The search and use of alternative means of pedagogical process is one of the phenomenon of the modern pedagogical reality. Alternative means allow us to influence management, organization and efficiency of the pedagogical process as well as the creation and development of its unities more effectively, influence the relations, taking place and appearing in the pedagogical process, and on the whole, humanize the process of education and upbringing.
As the non-conventional means, helping us use humanitarian knowledge in the pedagogical process, we consider aphoristics - genre of oratorical art, with the aphorism as its unity taken from the fiction, characterized by authorship, laconism (in one sentence), common value, originality of the expression and content.
"Aphorism is a carved thought" (V.V. Malyavin), which does not contradict but confirm, does not refer someone to other thoughts, but direct to the sense, which is in itself. That is why with some time aphorisms do not become out of date, but gain more value, becoming centers of the thoughts of the society, capacious form of the thought of the society as the reflection of the reality and the reflection of the author´s attitude to it through the aphorism.
The ideas of studying aphorisms from the point of view of pedagogics appeared quite long ago. Pedagogue- linguists B.B. Komarivskij and I.M. Kantor named them among other lexical expressive means, serving for and enriching pedagogics. Many linguists paid their attention to the initially didactical character of aphorisms (A.S. Aksamotiv, N.M. Gribachev, V.V. Malyavin, S.G. Spirkin, I.P. Sharapov, L. Uspenskij, N.T. Fedorenko and others), this idea is also proved in the encyclopedias.
At the present state the number of the researches, devoted to the studying of aphoristic possibilities as alternative means of pedagogical process is not large. The investigations are aimed at the studying of aphoristic possibilities as alternative means, helping: train and improve the quality of the future teachers preparation (M.S. Kobzeva, N.A. Gorbachev); deeper understanding of the professional lexics while reading special (equal pedagogical) literature (V.A. Ivanov and A.A. Pushkin); retrospection of philospho-pedagogical and pedagogical expressions (R.M. Ganiev and O.R. Archegova); pedagogical heuristic activity (V.N. Sokolov); upbringing and education of the personality of the child (Z.B. Tzallagova). Each investigation itself represent a new list in the studying of the aphoristic possibilities as the means of education and help us point out its perspectives in the term of its use in different pedagogical and psychological technologies. In such a way, in school of Wisdom (school № 5, Shelechov, Irkutsk region, Russia) experimental work connected with the examination of the model of the technology of pupil personality formation takes place, which is able to build up one´s life according to the laws of Truth, Good and Beauty with the help of the "value-sense" field of aphoristics "Truth. Good. Beauty".
In our investigation we worked out the author´s version of the teacher´s activity to form interest to the pedagogical science among future teachers. As the means we choose pedagogical aphoristics of Konstnatin Dmitrievich Ushinskij. As the result of this investigation the "Program of forming interest to the pedagogical science among students-future teachers with the help of pedagogical aphoristics of Konstnatin Dmitrievich Ushinskij" has been developed. The content of the Program include pedagogical aphorisms of K. D. Ushinskij. The use of pedagogical aphorisms of K. D. Ushinskij allowed us to create the activity of the teacher in such a way that forming interest to the pedagogical science among students is achieved through the development and accumulation of pedagogical knowledge, working out beliefs in the rightness of actions, increasing ability of the rational realization of the professional pedagogical activity through the constantly appearing of the creative aspiration to new things, phenomena, etc. Besides that, pedagogical aphorisms of K. D. Ushinskij, due to its energetically compacted sense of the content, contribute to strengthening of assuredness among future teachers in the rightness of the choice and ability to develop pedagogical skills, in their maturity to get new pedagogical knowledge independently. That was proved by our investigation.
Today we may state the fact that the use of aphoristics and its creative possibilities allow us to consider it as the effective, non-conventional means of the pedagogical process, which is able to influence the formation of the person and his or her qualities and to help to direct the activity of the teachers and pupils on the basis of pedagogic and psychology creative.
The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Basic and applied research. Education, economics and law», September, 9-16, 2008, Italy (Rome, Florence), came to the editorial office on 16.07.2008.