Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Parfyonova M.A., Babkina V.I., Silina L.V., Shehovtsova N.A.

The purpose of research was definition of prevalence of various forms of skin diseases, revealing of their communication with a trade, studying of structure professional dermatosis in Kursk and Kursk area.

Medical cards of 2108 patients who are taking place on the account in Kursk a regional clinical dermatovenereologic clinic and Kursk the center of professional pathologies during the period with 2003 on 2006 years are analysed. From the general number of patients the diagnosis eczema is put 462 surveyed (22 %), including 3 patients with the diagnosis professional eczema according to the Kursk center of professional pathologies. During research two groups have been generated: working - 201 patient (44 %) and not working (children, students, pensioners) - 261 person (56 %). Among working men have made 82 % (165 patients), women - 18 % (36 person). Desease eczema is marked in the most able-bodied socially active age - from 25 till 50 years. On nosological the group working with the diagnosis eczema is submitted to the form widespread - 92 patients (45,7 %), microbic - 72 (35,8 %), paratraumatic - 22 (10,9 %) and fungoid eczema - 15 person (7,6%). From 92 patients with the diagnosis widespread eczema among working, professional eczema makes 3,26% - 3 patients with trades: the senior leaser of spinning shop, the mason, the mechanic. Surveyed during the labour activity contacted to synthetic fibres for which processing used 30 % an acetic acid, spirit; for washing - antistatic; the laying of a brick, unloading of building materials was carried out; contact to a dust of the mixed structure (cement, quartz, chrome, wood); restoration of details pitches under 3 category of harmful works and on sharpening welding seams by abrasive circle by dry way. The experience of work of patients in adverse working conditions is more than 17 years.

Conclusions: high prevalence eczema - 22 % (462 patients) from all skin diseases is established; among the working population eczema 44 % (201) suffer; professional eczema has made 3,26 % from 92 patients with the diagnosis widespread eczema; desease is marked at able-bodied socially active age of 25-50 years; the experience of work in adverse working conditions is more than 17 years; low detectability is connected to absence in inspection of the sick analysis of labour activity and factors of manufacture.

The work is submitted to the Scientific International Conference "Scientific Research of Higher School on Priority Orientations of Science and Technology", June, 22-29, 2008, Kiel-Bergen-Geiranger-Kiel, came to the editorial office on 19.05.2008.