Stainless and heatproof steels and alloy (steels of austensite class) find more and more application in modern machine-building industry. Machine and constructions´ parts made of these materials are characterized by durability and high service performance.
The steels of austensite class refer to hard-to-treat ones; their characteristic is the formation of cyclic chips, the increased wear of the instrument and the machined part surface coating low quality.
For the solution of the abovementioned problem it is offered to use the method of cutting with advanced plastic deformation. At the plastic materials machining process the intensive plastic deformation precedes the separation of the cut-down layer material from the blank part, i.e. the principle cutting work part is spent on the plastic deformation of the metal taken off. The essence of the cutting with advanced plastic deformation of the cut-down layer material consists in combining two processes - the preliminary plastic deformation and cutting itself. Thereat by the moment of the cutting instrument action on the cut-down material layer a part of the work spent on plastic deformations in the process of chip formation at usual cutting action is already performed by a supplementary rolling device making the depth and cold work degree necessary for the maximal efficiency of the following process.
It provides the cutting force, temperature, specific work decrease, process cyclicity, that results in the instrument´s durability and processing capacity increase. The chip making process if treated with cutting the preliminary cold-worked layer cut down results in surface roughness decrease, some chip shrinkage reduction and friction conditions change.
The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Manufacturing Technology» (Italy - Rome, Florence, September, 9-16, 2008, came to the editorial office on 14.07.2008.