Sports hand-to-hand fight - the complex combat including a technical arsenal, both various shock single combats, and wrestling (A.M. Gorbylev, 2003).
Competitive activity is total of efficiency of training process (V.N. Platonov, 2005).
It is developed, the monotony and small variability of technical-tactical actions take place in sports hand-to-hand fight at the initial stage of competitive activity of young men at the age of 12-14. It means that there are lacks of base technical-tactical preparation of young sportsmen at the age of 10-12 years in earlier stage of initial preparation (A.V. Glazistov, А.S. Kuznetsov, 2007).
According to questioning experts on sports hand-to-hand fight nowadays there is no common technique of the base technical-tactical preparation due to the requirements of competitive activity.
These facts demand formation at a stage of initial preparation of the accessible and optimum maintenance of a teaching material, and also development of a technique of training which is able to provide the high-grade technical-tactical preparation and a long-term motivation of pupils for good quality skills and knowledge.
It is necessary to note, that according to normative documents on sports hand-to-hand fight, competitive activity starts at the age of 12, after a pupils has had the initial preparation from 10 to 12.
Thus, at the age from to 10-12 the motivation of the sportsmen is lost in the reason of absence of competitions and rewards.
In oriental combat sports at the initial stage of training qualifying categories (a belt of various colors) are given for demonstration of the list of technical actions established for each category and only after that the system of competitive qualification of sportsmen (D.Kano, 2000).
It provides mastering all kinds of technical actions at the initial stage of the training, stipulated with the program, and, which is more important, provides motivation to better quality of skills and knowledge.
The main point of this system is that a sportsman should show everything he learnt up to the program of the given category.
At the early stages of the development the main stimulus to attend the lessons of the certain sort of activity is the requirement of the direct or indirect social encouragements (B.B.Kossov, 1989).
Therefore in curriculums stimulating conditions of training and qualifying requirements should be created.
In J.A.Shulika´s opinion (1993) and A.S.Kuznetsov´s (2002), at a stage of elementary education of sportsmen the primary goal is the base of technical training with the purpose of acquaintance with median structures of receptions technical movements incase not to be back starter level on the further steps of education.
Competitive activity should begin right after passages of a stage of initial preparation. The stage of initial preparation should include elementary tactical preparation.
So we represent the most optimal as follows base technical-tactical on sports hand-to-hand fight construction is:
- the 1st year of training - base and fundamental technical training - studying of base movements and « median structures » technical actions;
- the 2nd year of training - the base expanded technical training - detailed elaboration and complication of technical actions without forcing down factors;
- the 3rd year of training - base technical-tactical preparation - studying of the basic tactical manners of conducting fight, studying of combinations of technical actions, and also formation of skills to use learnt technics in forcing down factors situations.
Our created technique offers study material which divided in to nine "levels", given in parallel in all sections of technical-tactical preparation and becomes meshing at each subsequent level.
The exam to the next "level" of development of base technical-tactical preparation is provided after three months of training in the form of competitive demonstration of the studied technics.
So they are able to learn the first level from September to November, from December to February - the second, from March till May - the third during the academy year.
The steps take place the same way of training till they reach ninth "level".
The control includes: the operative control - during the lessons, the current control after the phase of lessons, and also the final control - every three month training.
The technique of base technical-tactical preparation of young at the age of 10-12 years lets us to increase the quality of studying the technics and efficiency of competitive activity of young fighters and provides long-term motivation of pupils to qualitative mastering knowledge and impellent skills, reduces number of children who left sports school.
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- Gorbylev A.M.The duel during a life // Dojo. Fighting arts of Japan: Popular scientific methodical magazine. 2003, № 6, - P. 1-8.
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- Kuznetsov A.S.The organization´s of long-term technical-tactical preparation in the Greco-Roman wrestling. - emb. Boats: Publishing house KamPi. 2002. - 325 p.
- Platonov V.N. The system of preparation of sportsmen in Olympic sports. The general theory and its practical appendices [Text] / V.N.Platonov. - М.: The Soviet sports, 2005. - 820 p.
- Shulika J.A. The long-term technical-tactical preparation in wrestling: the Dissertation of the doctor of pedagogical sciences. - Krasnodar, 1993. - 452 p.