"The situation is in the ability to hear; and the more unexpected and newer the said is, the more attention should be paid to it."
Jose Ortega-and-Gasset
The "investigation" idea itself in its substantial explanation can be considered within the amplitude, where the polar tension is the ideas of an investigation as an active (creative) observation over life and, accordingly, as a specialized kind of scientific work.
From the specified wide range of social associations of the "investigation" notion we are interested in the metaphoric vertical, which can be represented in the form of an overobjective research, i.e. the vertical of cooperation in its traditional, having excellently recommended itself interaction - "teacher and student". As the foundation of the consideration of such interaction let us take the statement that in this context the question is about creative personalities performing overobjective investigations of various kinds.
Giving a philosophical horizon to the idea of "creative personality", let us rely in our assertions on the inference of M. Heidegger that entering of a personality into the world of life senses and progressive activity will reach its performance only on the ways of self-understanding, self-awareness, self-esteem, empathy and inclusion of joint creative work resulting in the creation of authentic and harmonic relations within the system "Human - World"; "Human - Another Human"; "Human - Human-Himself" [1, p. 445].
As it is seen, the notion "creative personality" enriched with a comprehensive existential inference of the great German philosopher (into which the pedagogical views of Heidegger are interweaven so naturally) sets a necessary dynamics of consideration of our work´s key terms brought into the title.
After a necessary potential introduction let us dwell on the desired notion "overobjective investigation" more detailed. First of all, proceeding from the abovementioned interaction within this project, let us point at those social-pedagogical connotations that discover the content of this project. They can be: informal relationships (for example, the teacher´s and students´ friendship and effective cooperation stories well described in historical, scientific and didactic literature); out-of-school education in whole as an educational project of social organizations and private persons as it was common in Russia. The first experts of this form of activity were, as it is known, Tolstoy L.N., Ushinsky K.D., Ventsel K.N., Kapterev P.F., Lesgaft P.F., Bekhterev V.M., Pirogov N.I., Kareyev N.I., Yanovsky K.P. and others.
Having concentrated our attention in favour of the second statement, let us concretize it in a modern aspect. The idea of "out-of-school education" itself, having become the leading one in the system of Vakhtyorov at the very end of XIX century, has evolved today up to the idea of "extended education" within the children´s and adults´ (acmeological) one.
It is quite natural to suppose that an overobjective research has a whole range of special features in this very field of social relationships within the system "teacher-student", and we would like to dwell on them.
But first (with some excusable delay), let us define the notion itself. Let´s start with the fact that the review of special literature didn´t give us any clear definition. Moreover, among the variety of basic definitions of the notion "research" there was no disclosure of the given idea.
Proceeding from the available information base, let us dwell on the definition found out by us in the article of Lukonina Ye.P. "Investigative activity of secondary and high school learners applicable to arts and humanities". Going into artistic-aesthetic aspects of the notions of objective and intersubject research in her work, the author gives a short, but capacious definition of the notion interesting for us here. Because of the specific importance and non-competitive conditions for the citations, we shall give it in full: "The overobjective research (marked by L.Ye.P.) supposes the teacher´s and the student´s joint activity directed at the investigation of concrete personally meaningful problems for the learner. The results of such an investigation performance are outside the framework of the academic program. The overobjective investigation appears to be the means of integration of formal education, extended education, self-education, social activity of learners and occupational self-determination" [2, p. 467].
As it is seen, the definition is functional and informative at the same time. Considering it from the theoretic-methodological strategy positions, let us confer the status of innovative activity growing far out of the educational work standards upon it. It is the status of the innovation consolidated with an old classical tradition of the "teacher - student" relationship, enriched by the modern search for innovative approaches within the system of education understood now as continuous one, that allows us to emphasize the most important features and purposes in the overobjective research:
- an opportunity to participate in projecting own life plans, scenarios and strategies (on the part of the student);
- organization of legitimist conditions for presentation of scientific and creative activity of the student;
- mutual orientation in social, economical and informational conditions of the first two statements´ development.
It seems that a project pretending to the "mighty program" definition can come true at the harmonic, regardful and really interested approach to the realization of these statements. The tutorage of M. Buber, P. Burdieu, M. Heidegger, E. Giddens, B. Malinovsky and a whole range of other social scientists and philosophers having brought-up a galaxy of talented followers, and whose pedagogical (subject) lectures allowing the following generations already to get involved into their "overobjective field" had become the sample of concrete and intersubject research long ago, can serve samples of such mighty projects. The main, in our opinion, thing ought to be remarked here - the team-work on the investigation of personally meaningful problems for the learner is not the solution of his (and instead of him) various subjectivations, but, first of all, the fosterage of evident and consistent interest in some or other area of knowledge. It is the figure of the Tutor (who finds himself in such a reality situation is happy), who allows the student to see the integral picture of his own ideas breaking away: from the intention and theoretical methods of perception to recommendations and proposals on practical applications of his ideas.
In the conclusion of our work disclaiming for precise formulations and verified utterances and demonstrating most definitely states of mind, and that is why, as we think, being familiarly reflexive it is worth saying that the following three fundamental principles, which are difficult to argue with, can serve the final of such Tutor´s overobjective activity (forgot or regenerating?):
- the principle of investigative activity subject formation, in other words - the formation of an investigative position;
- the principle of comparison (with other subjects and investigative positions), i.e. the development of the ability to grow out of the private view, understanding the sense and significance of the joint research work;
- the principle of defence (of one´s investigative position), i.e. the development of the ability to take one´s strong stand, to formulate the findings worthily, to tune on victories and defeats, knowing how much they mean in the research biography of both Tutor-innovator and his grateful followers.
- Heidegger M. Time and Objective Reality. - M., 1993.
- Lukonina Ye.P. Investigative activity of secondary and high school learners applicable to arts and humanities // Investigative activity of learners. Scientific and methodical collection in two volumes / under general reduction of A.S. Obukhov. V 2: Organizational practice. - M.: All-Russia social movement of creative pedagogues "Investigator", 2007 - p. 495 - pp. 466-470.
- Jose Ortega-and-Gasset, Selected Works, Speculations on Techniques / Translation from German. Preface author and general redaction of Rutkevich A.M. 2 Edition - M.: Mir, 2000 - p.704 - p. 208.
The work is submitted to the Scientific International Conference «Innovative Technology in Higher and Vocational Education», August, 2-9, 2008, Spain (Costa del Azaar), came to the editorial office on 28.06.2008.