In the root of any activity alteration the innovation process lies, which is built on the basis of life cycle of the activity and characterizes its development dynamics. According to Senge P., first, an accelerated growth, then - the acceleration lag and reproduction at another qualitative level [1] are observed. The life cycle curve of educational structures built on the basis of network interconnection is characterized by the structure´s existence terminable depending on the factors´ set. Such a limitation is most often associated with the high rate of information accumulation resulting in information redundancy and recessionary state of any alteration taking place in the organized structure.
The network communities´ activity conditions in all stages of their life cycle differ. The existing communities´ analysis testifies that depending on purposes, directions and interests they have various kinds of life cycles, among which the most popular are classical (traditional) and "rocket-like" ones. The traditional network community life cycle kind differs with high enough requirements and purposeful directivity. The "rocket-like" network community life cycle supposes a model of quick loss of the community participants´ interest; most often such communities are created for the purpose of short-term objectives solution. Besides, in the nature of network communities a life cycle, in the root of which there is an oscillating process, can exist; such communities, as a rule, either work or "die out".
The necessity of investigation of the network educational community creation mechanism on the basis of life cycle theory is conditioned by the problem of the network community development by means of "increase" points introduction and by the opportunity of integration processes management for the purpose of positive development dynamics support. Various kinds of life cycle allow using them for the formation of various organized structures and integration of scientific and educational activities into a single unit. More over, there appears an opportunity to define the network community "increase" point, the point of "dying" and the point of possible revival of the network community by means of the life cycle mechanism. At that, the factors, which the duration (life cycle period) and points of the network community life cycle depend, are defined.
In the first stage - the stage of creation and introduction of the network educational community - the community´s aims are established, the "increase" point choice is performed, the interaction scheme implementation mechanism, which includes the choice of the institution for the "increase" point, the development of the community management model, the definition of methods and ways of interaction, forms of scientific-educational participation, is developed.
The stage of increase and expansion of the network community activity is characterized by its development on the ground of the chosen "increase" points; the community participants´ collectives are formed; the network interaction forms are developed. Together with high integration rates the given stage can be attended by the downward tendency as well.
At the stage of maturity and discontinuation of activities the achievement of objectives is performed (in whole or in part), the activity dying out occurs due to some negative consequences, causes of economical, social-psychological, legal sense. The sources of retarding forces are the limits of educability and growth. The clamping factors are conditioned either by the principles of the traditional activity organization or by the exhaustion of rise promoting factors [1]. The investigations show that the cyclical slowdowns most often happen due to the fact that the very high rates of information accumulation, probably, result in crises. In conditions of the information redundancy the system extension including the "development point" expansion is not the protection against the crisis. The unstable state of development in the specified conditions emerges not as the result of managerial mistakes, lack of information or absence of business and consumer confidence, but on the basis of the information accumulation dynamics. The contribution of the new technology into the information creation can result both in dying and distribution of "increase" points, that is associated with high technologies, which, as a rule, have "high instability".
Thus, when managing an educational process on the basis of network interaction, one can use the mechanism founded on the formation and development of "increase" points, in the heart of which the life cycle theory can be put, which, on the ground of knowledge about an existing point of the network community development, allows planning the educational space alteration by means of new points and "increase" centers search.
- Dance of alterations: new problems of self-learning organizations: fragments from P. Senge book // Rendering from English - M.: Olymp-Business, 2003.
The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference "Actual problems of science and education", Cuba (Varadero), March, 19-29, 2008, came to the editorial office on 21.02.2008.