Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Zlyvko O.V.

Our country has been going through never-endings reforms for nearly 20 years already. Some of them follow the others resulting from the previous ones, complementing each other but more often ruling each other out. This reforming wave inevitably carrying us to the socio-economic and political prosperity couldn´t help but touch such an important issue as the system of education.

Putin´s period which has undoubtedly become "The Golden Age" in the history of new Russia, is marked by been adoption of three programs: "The Program of Development of Education in Russia", "The State Program of Patriotic Education of the Citizens of the Russian Federation", and the Federal target program "The Youth of Russia". Actually, all these programs are directed towards the new, spiritually moral education of the youth, formation of patriotic consciousness of the citizens and creation of the conditions to implement idyll into life. It is specified that studying the history of Russia and its culture plays a special role. The new concept of spiritually moral upbringing of the Russian citizens, not the Soviet, is based on both universal and domestic traditions and values. As a result, a new word in the system of our education (to be more exact, a well-forgotten old word) is coming up onto the surface. It is religion, that is a basis of the national culture and the national values. Clause 14 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads: The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established to be the state or obligatory. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal under the law. It means that no religion or a religious association can interfere with the government affairs. But at the same time this clause doesn´t regulate the public life or national traditions that naturally have roots in religious traditions, values and ideas.

Item 5 of Clause 1 of The Education Act, forbids creating organizational structures of religious movements or associations in municipal and state educational institutions. But the law does not forbid to study and know the culture that has a religious basis.

Clause 13 of the Constitution reads that "no ideology can be established as state or obligatory".

These contradictions in the system of modern education deprive it of basis, the pivot that should implement and stabilize the functionality of the state machinery. All the global reforms of the educational system have always led to aspiration to change the human consciousness, his views and values. They´ve tried to bring up a person of the new formation leading him from orthodoxy to atheism, further to humanism, and to ...nowhere. The basic problem of the modern education is in Education itself. One can teach anybody to do anything, but it will yield fruit only when we are able to bring up the Person, the Citizen.

The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Present-day problems of science and education», Russia, (Moscow), May, 13-15, 2008, came to the editorial office 21.03.2008.