Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Gavrilova G.N.

We can select several aspects of improvement of children´s living activity and development of flexibility and creativity.

The first aspect of the improvement of student´s living activity is the need in the realization of his own adequate self-appraisal, self-confidence and the personal involvement in creative activity. It includes the formation of the flexibility and creativity. The former implies a mental flexibility and consideration, the latter implies an efficient creative activity as a product of activity in the mental and material form.

A specific character of the subject, e.g. Physics and Astronomy, enables students to show the cognition, to generate ideas, to develop the intelligence and to integrate the knowledge of all divisions of Physics solving nonstandard problems. It involves the second aspect of the improvement of a student´s living activity. It also includes extracurricular activities: elective courses, optional classes and such practical work as making reports, conducting experiments, presenting projects, taking part in conferences and school, regional and federal contests in Physics and Astronomy.

The third aspect implies a specific creative atmosphere of trust and collaboration of a student with the teacher, the other schoolmates, parents and authorities of the school. This joint creative work is based on the premeditated program of teaching methods and this educational model has been successfully carried out for years.

The forth aspect implies the voluntary choice of students for extracurricular activity. These students demonstrate interest in the subjects and creative activity. The students tend towards exact science.

The fifth aspect is the comfortable atmosphere for children. It means to encourage even a very slight creative achievement of a student. It is important to maintain the tempo of a student´s self-development and the level of challenge in individual rate that depends on age-related and individual peculiarities of a student.

The sixth aspect is that teaching challenge could contradict the process of education as a subjectively objective reflection of the positive and negative teaching goals. On the one hand it is the source of a functioning activity and progress embodied as a positive dominant component of the educational process. On the other hand the current challenge stimulates new opportunities.

Formation of the creativity and flexibility in optional classes in Physics and Astronomy at school enables to students to develop stable practical skills good for any future job of students. Consequently it also ensures the improvement of students´ living conditions in future.

The work was submitted to III international scientific conference «Actual problems of science and education», Cuba, March, 19-29, 2008, came to the editorial office 19.02.2008.