Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Shternis T.A., Guryanova N.O.

The progressing RF population health deterioration is the fact of common knowledge, that is to the full extent referred also to coal enterprises workers. Taking into account the functioning Concept of the Presidential Program "Health of Working Population" the problems of coalminers´ health preservation and promotion are gaining the priority-oriented value. The purpose of the given research has been the study of coal industry workers´ total morbidity (TM). The data excerption from workers´ disability certificates for the period from 1985 to 2006 was carried out. The ratings were processed using variance analysis methods on personal computer with MS EXCEL and STATISTICA 6.0 application program package. The authenticity of the got factors was estimated using the T-criterion of Student. The post-event analysis of the Kuzbass coalminers´ health status testified that the TM had increased by 119,1%, from 1677,8±49,6‰ (1985) to 1998,2±0,01‰ (2006). The TM level decrease was registered in 1999 (1315,4±0,01‰). The TM structure changes took place. In 2006 respiratory diseases ranked first - 28,0% (1985 - 27,0%), the apparatus system and connective tissue diseases ranked second - 26,2% (1985 - 16,5%) and the third place was taken by traumas, intoxications and some other after-effects of external causes action - 16,5% (1985 - 25,1%). Among the main reasons exerting influence on the coalminers´ health state there are social-occupational factors and low medical activity. The effect of the given factors on the TM occurrence is proved statistically by the analysis-of-variance method (Р<0,05). The research results suggest the necessity of coalminers´ health status in-depth study and the development, based on the findings, of targeted preventive measures and rehabilitation program.

The work is submitted to the International Scientific Conference "Actual problems of science and education", Cuba (Varadero), March, 19-29, 2008, came to the editorial office on 20.02.2008.