The role of inorganic plant elements is many-sided: they are parts of cellular structures, take part in biochemical processes, determine the conformation of organic molecules and membrane permeability, influence the living body signaling system functioning, and the main thing is that they take part in the processes of biosynthesis of plant active agents which are necessary for their medical properties manifestation. According to one of the classifications chemical elements are subdivided on the grounds of their importance for the plants: 1) essential macroelements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur) and microelements (manganese, molybdenum, nickel, cuprum, ferrum); 2) useful elements (sodium, cobalt, chrome, selenium, aluminon). We succeeded to find out all the numerated above substances in Kuzbass antiparasitic action medical plants: absinthium, mugwort, ginger plant, sown garlic, field pumpkin, bulb onion, wild carrot, poisonberry, common hop, garden huckleberry, horseradish, horseheal. Anthelminthic properties of these plants are assured by mineral substances partaking in the synthesis of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids. At the same, time geochemical factors and infestation with phytohelminths, which stimulate the accumulation of a range of elements (molybdenum, selenium, chrome, ferrum) in host-plant tissues, influence the content of mineral elements in the plants. These elements shortage in the soil promotes the plants protective properties reduction intensifying pathological processes in their nature at the phytohelminths infestation.
The article is admitted to the International Scientific Conference «Prior directions of science development"; USA (New York, Washington, Miami, Las-Vegas, Los-Andzheles), October 26 - November 10, 2007г. ; came to the editorial office on 2.07.07