Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Yatsenko M.K., Bochanovsky V.A., Polunina O.S.
A method of estimation of immunologic reactivity of elderly patients with different bronchopulmonary pathology is offered. It is based on lactoferrin (LF) value definition in serum by means of enzyme immunodetection (EID) using a commercial test-system of "Vector-Best-Europe" CJSC according to the instruction attached. The results are represented in Table 1. The analysis of LF serum indicants in young and elderly patients depending on nosologic form of the disease revealed authentically (р < 0,01) lower albumin concentration showings in blood serum at all the cases of pulmonary pathologies in patients older than 60 (Table 1). Authentically (р < 0,01) higher concentration of serum LF in patients older than 60 among the examined groups was recorded at community-acquired pneumonia - CAP (1597,1 + 121,4), and authentically (р < 0,05) lower showings are marked at non-allergic (infective) form of bronchial asthma - N(I)BA (1006,9 + 32,8) and carcinoma of lung - CL (1021,3 + 74,2).

Studying lactoferrinemia in elderly patients with different bronchopulmonary pathology we carried out a correlation analysis of LF concentration in blood serum and basic showings of immunogram (Table 2). As it is seen from Table 2, positive correlation relationships of different efficacy between the blood serum LF content and concentration of leucocytes in peripheral blood: at CAP (r=0,53, p<0,01), COPD (r=0,34, p<0,01), N(I)BA (r=0,56, p<0,01) and CL (r=0,62, p<0,01).

Between the values of serum LF and the showings of absolute count of lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes positive correlation relationships of moderate efficacy are obtained: at CAP (r=0,57, r=0,55 accordingly, p<0,01), N(I)BA (r=0,54, r=0,51 accordingly, p<0,01), CL (r=0,62,r=0,57 accordingly, p<0,01). The same tendencies in correlation relationships are marked between the contents of LF in the serum and the showings of relative count of T-helpers: at CAP (r=0,54, p<0,01), N(I)BA (r=0,58, p<0,01), CL (r=0,60, p<0,01). These results show that at low values of serum LF the showings of absolute count of lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes, relative count of T-helpers in elderly CAP, N(I)BA and CL patients were low as well. The values of LF in blood serum had weak multidirected and unauthentic (p>0,05) correlation relationship or its absence between the other showings of the immunogram at CAP, COPD and CL. The findings allow considering that low values of LF content in blood serum immediately reflect lack of T-cell component of immune system in elderly CAP, N(I)BA and CL patients.

The results got allow recommending studying LF in blood serum as an additional test for immunologic reactivity of elderly patients with different bronchopulmonary pathology, that will widen possibilities of diagnostics. It is especially important for adequate treatment administration (including immunocorrectors) for elderly patients.


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