The negative tendencies just in the family´s sphere had been outlined, which resulted in its following weakening and also the degradation, as the social Institute, since the middle of the 1980 - es. The total quantity reduction of the Mordvins´ legally have formed the marriage unions has taken its place just in the period between the 1989 and 2002 censuses. So, the married men total quantity has been reduced for 3,596, the married women - for 4,420 marriages in the Republic of Mordovia from 1989 till 2002 - es. The young people contingent reduction, having reached the marriage age and the free marriage partners´ exhaustion just in the neighboring age groups is being served, as one of the factors of this tendency negative development. At the same time, the divorced men and women total quantity has been increased, correspondingly, from 1,5% and 4,0% in 1979, up to 5,3% and 6,1% in 5,3% and 6,1%.
The divorces, especially, in the young age groups, are, negatively, being exerted influence upon the birth rate level, which has, considerably, been fallen. In its turn, this has been made its influence upon the family´s quantitative characteristic. Up to 2002, the Mordvinian family´s average size has been made up 2,6 persons (e.g. 2,7 ones in the town and 2,5 - in the village) in the Republic of Mordovia. The families, having consisted in 1 - 3 people (e.g. 75 %), have already become the predominant family´s type. Though, they are being prevailed, as in the towns, well as in the village: they have been made up 74,5 % in the urban settlements, 75,7 % - in the rural area. The single persons have been made up the large number (e.g. 24,5 %). Their part has already been reached 22,1% in the towns, and 28,1% - in the rural area.
If to consider the Mordvinian families´ numerical strength without due regard for the single persons, then the biggest their quantity have been made up the family unions just from 2 people - 36,3% (e.g. 33,0 in the town and 38,0 in the village). And the families´ part, having consisted in 3 and 4 people, is the considerable share: correspondingly, 29,8% (35,0 and 27,0) and 24,5% (26,5 and 23,4). For the Mordvinian families´ part, having consisted in 5 - 7 people has been the share of 9,4 % (8,% and 11,6).
Thus, the Mordvinian family´s demographic parameters at the close of the XX - th - at the beginning of the XXI - st have been, considerably, changed. So, its numerical strength falling, and the generational structure simplification, and also the birth rate falling are being observed, since 1990 - es. Hence, it is necessary clearly to follow the national programs on the birth rate growth and the young families´ support, having been developed by the President and the Russian Federation Government, that would be able not only to stabilize the current situation, but also to enhance the family´s prestige.
The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Present-day problems of science and education», Russia, (Moscow), May, 13-15, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 14.05.2009.