Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Bukatin M.V., Rebrova D.N., Ovchinnikova O. U., Krivitskaya A.Y., Chernikov M.V., Nikolayeva I.Y., Sarangov O.V.

Hydrosphere is a natural accumulator of the majority of polluting substances, entering the atmosphere and lithosphere.

Presence of polluting substances in the water influences vital functions of some living organisms, functioning the whole water system and people, whose residence is in the coastal zone.

The goal of our work is monitoring of ecological welfare in reservoirs of Volgograd with different level of anthropogenic pollution.

The following reservoirs were chosen to be researched: the Angarsky pond, the Sudomoika eric, a reservoir in the place called Lesobaza which are located in different topodemes of Volgograd and its suburb.

In the process of investigation it was made a repeated water sampling from these reservoirs and organoleptic properties and chemical water composition of them were examined according to 14 indices (pH, petrochemicals, Cl‾, NH4+, O2, permanganate oxidation, biochemical oxygen consumption, PO4-, NO2, NO3, hardness, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3‾).

Organoleptical analysis, the results of the experiment to test sediment and smell of water showed that the water of all the reservoirs is of midrange of pollution, nonpotable, might adversely affect the population of Angarsky settlement and camp settlement on the bank of the eric Sudomoika, as this water is used by some part of the population for cooking.

The results of hydrochemical investigation show that the Angarsky pond, the Sudomoika eric are tipically sweet reservoirs, but the reservoir in the place called Lesobaza is saltish. Maximum allowable concentrarion of the analyzable substances in the Angarsky pond and Sudomoika are in the limits of the possible meanings. As for the reservoir in the place called Lesobaza, maximum allowable concentrarion of magnesium, calcium are increased, and high mineralization takes place here that can be connected the presence of bischofites.

Thus, the Angarsky pond can be considered as the cleanest reservoir, the most polluted is the reservoir in the place called Lesobaza.

The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Monitoring of an environment» (Italy - Rome, Florence, September, 9-16, 2008. Came to the editorial office on 20.07.2009.