Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Fisenko A.I.
The article gives proof to a necessity of problem statement of forming the management organisational structure in a large congeneric transport company. The basis for this is constituted of methods, procedures and tools of company planning and strategic management, that ensure the positive synergetic effect of its activity.

1. A correct evaluation of possible consequences in today´s changes in economic and financial spheres is an indispensible condition not only for a further growth, - but as an immediate problem - for a survival of a company or organisation. At the same time, the most serious challenges the managers face, is to foresee the difficulty, and to search for solutions, that can tackle it not only with available, but also with potential means. In full measure these requirements can be applied to the topic of forming the effective system of an in-house financial planning and strategic management in a large transport congeneric (eng. - congeneric) company (hereinafter -system of congeneric company management - SCCM). In other words, the company, that is first of all oriented on developing the «congener», as well as the interrelated spheres (and branches) of its business, and that hence has a specific integrated structure and respective management system.

2. As a minimum, the designing of the effective SCCM requires the contingency approach to its projecting - the one, that would consider peculiarities of a particular organisation (or business), - mainly the indicators of its size, parameter of the integration, diversification and specialisation, the main features of the sphere(s) (or branch(es) and the specificity of the financial, economic and business activity.

The basic diagram of an organisational structure of the congeneric company is a symbiosis («a delicate interaction net») of traditional linear-functional and divisional-matrix structures. The first one consists of corporation-wide subdivisions as well as functional branches of corresponding subsidiaries. A divisional-matrix centre is constituted of oriented on a certain sort of business subsidiaries that are a part of a congeneric company, plus projects and programs, that are realised for the benefit of the whole company or for the achieving certain goals (directions and objects of an activity).

A distinctive feature (though, apparently in practice other variants are also possible - there are no enough data and evidence for that) of a SCCM is a fact, that for tacking a strategic decisions at a level of all the group [of companies] there set up a management company, which is not only a headquarters of a whole organisation, but the body, that sets the mainstream of company´s development (goals and objectives), and ways of diminishing the emerging challenges (methods, tools, techniques, etc.). The management company is lead by a President or a chief executive with proper duties and authorities.

The main sectors of a business in a congeneric company (closely interwoven with each other - or so-called «congener» spheres of a business) are lead by deputies director general, who are directors of the subsidiaries at the same time. The organisational structure of the subsidiaries is built to provide the deputies director general potentials to manage and develop the certain sort of business. For that purpose the subsidiary has its own administrative apparatus, and the organisation and functions of it are formed by specificities and goals of the particular subsidiaries´ businesses. At the same time, to secure the coordination of all kind of business activities and whole corporate work (including managing the different branches of the business within one congeneric company, financial planning, investment, projects and programmes carrying out, etc.) the subsidiaries´ administrative apparatus must thoroughly cooperate with corporative-wide branches.

Thereby, the organisational structure of the SCCM is a compound net of inter- and inner-structural intercourse of its subsystems and elements on basis of a congeneric company´s main charter, its headquarters and subsidiaries, as well as regulations, instructions, orders and similar normative documents, that secure the organisational integrity, manageability and financial-economic activity of a company in whole as well as its branch offices. Along with it, there are traditional mechanisms of a linear-functional management structure together with elements of programme-targeted, matrix and divisional slanted approaches to business operation realised - simultaneously, symmetrically and sequentially.

The company, which can be cited as an example of a congeneric organisation, is, on our opinion, FESCO Transport Group. The processes of formation of specific, with distinct features of the congeneric companies, structures and systems of company planning is in progress in FESCO, with the latest events on world financial and shipping markets are taking into account.

3. The most significant criterion of a congeneric company activity, oriented on aggregating various types (spheres) of business, is an attainment of synthetic, synergetic effect from its business activity. Therefore possible (and often can be planned) is the situation, when that or another type of business of a congeneric company (for example, one of its subsidiary) is unprofitable and disadvantageous, but can contribute into a positive systematic effect for the whole company. To our mind, it (but, perhaps, not only it) reveals the synergism or - to put in different way - the synergetic effect of congeneric company functioning. In its turn, and we cannot doubt this fact,- this situation inevitably influences the choice of methods, techniques and tools, organisational forms of in-house financial planning and strategic management, as well as requirements of inter- and inner-functional intercommunication in SCCM´s organisational structure. These special features along with complexity and newness of problems largely shape the requirements for the criteria and indicators (and, surely to a certain limits), and also vector the search for solutions and methods of formation of an effective organisational structure for a congeneric company, and its management system in particular.


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