In Russia, the teaching profilization, practically, is not the innovation in the full meaning of this word. So, the historical experience of the occupational self - determination and the pupils´ occupational orientation just in the Russian secondary school has already permitted to create the necessary premises and the corresponding prerequisites to the profile learning development in the contemporary educational space [1,5].
Having considered the profile teaching and the pre - profile training challenge under the network cooperation conditions, it should be given the special consideration to the pedagogically - organizing conditions realization system of the school profilization this model.
As it is generally known, the pedagogically - organizing conditions are the structural form of the pedagogical and the technological models, according to which the technology components or the models are being realized, and also their filling is being provided. So, the developed correspondence during the model or the technology investigation, the pedagogical experiment forming stage efficiency is being provided to the pedagogically - organizing conditions system, and it is also being permitted to single out the optimal criteria and the pedagogical phenomenon consideration levels, in the form of the investigational research object and the subject [2, 3, 4].
The pedagogically - organizing conditions introduction realization of the profile learning network cooperation model has been appealed for:
- to provide the pedagogically - organizing and the profile learning psychological maintenance in the network cooperation system;
- to improve the training and the retraining pedagogical personnel system for the working in the profile forms and grades and also in the post - secondary technical training institutions, having orientated for the network interaction with the comprehensive secondary schools, having introduced the profile learning;
- to define the profile learning information support forms and methods.
We shall consider the indicated the pedagogically - organizing conditions in a rather more detailed way.
I. The structurally - organizing maintenance of the school profilization process under the network cooperation conditions is being provided, in our opinion, for the following steps realization:
- The profile learning direction united center making in the comprehensive secondary school, which would be provided the interconnection and the unity of the action-oriented and the most activity characteristics of all the participants´ cooperation process; this may be, for example, the coordination council on the profile learning direction in the educational institutions network; besides the internal normative documents, such kind of the council will be able to develop the comprehensive secondary school profilization map in the network cooperation system, the predictive indices and the profile learning model in the separately taken case, with the post-secondary technical training institutions potential involvement;
- the methodically - constructive meetings series conducting ( e.g. the seminars, the trainings ) with the schools, the post - secondary technical training institutions executive heads, and also with the teachers on the profile learning organization challenges;
- the comprehensive secondary school and the post - secondary technical training institutions the interaction forms determination.
The institutions, having carried out the teaching at the pre - profile stage (e.g. 7 - 9 - th forms and grades) will have to be provided the following:
- the conscious determination the further learning profile by the pupils;
- the future individual and the educational routes development by the pupils;
II. The Psychologically - informational maintenance of the profile learning development process in the network cooperation system, as the pedagogically - organizing condition is being supposed, in our opinion, the following sub - conditions presence:
- the diagnostic methods data bank creation for the pupils´ occupational self - determination characteristics determination in the profile learning cooperative model system;
- the pupils´ complex and the system diagnosis (e.g. the subject interests; the intellectual development level; the health level; the cognitive sphere and the personality characteristics; the occupational intentions motivation; the network cooperation institution educational possibilities level);
- the individual correctional work carrying out with the students by the diagnostics results;
- the pupils´ satisfaction level learning, by the training in the profile forms and grades.
In the connection with this condition interpretation, as one from the basiс and fundamental ones, we shall also analyze the profile formation stages construction example, with due regard for the its organization network model.
III. The profile learning staffing in the network cooperation system, which is being assumed the following:
- The teachers´ data bank creation and the actualization, having worked in the profile forms and grades of the comprehensive secondary school and also in the post - secondary technical training institutions;
- The joint methodologically - instructive seminars conduction (e.g. the conferences, the trainings) of the post - secondary technical training schools and the institutions teachers;
- The through creative groups creation by the educational profiles from the post - secondary technical training schools and the institutions teachers; the teachers´ creative reports organization, having worked in the post - secondary technical training schools and the institutions;
- The network cooperation institutions teachers´ system diagnostics;
- The network cooperation institutions teachers´ yearly project retraining conducting;
- The network cooperation institutions teachers´ constant self - educational work;
- The profile forms and the grades teachers and the post - secondary technical training institutions workers portfolio creation.
IV. The Systematic monitoring and the control of the profile learning development process in the comprehensive secondary school is being pursued its object of the profile learning, as individual, well as the group results reflection - as from the side of the network cooperation participants, well as from the side of the students. Thus, the monitoring, as the pedagogically - organizing condition of the profile learning introduction is being suggested the following:
- The profile forms and grades pupils´ education quality study;
- The profile subjects teaching, and also the elective courses, the subjects by the choice, the optional forms and grades with the discussion at the coordination council meetings state study;
- The post - secondary technical training institutions activity efficiency study, having introduced in the network cooperation model;
- The network cooperation participants´ interaction efficiency study, by its activity results, in the plane of the pupils´ occupational self - determination.
Finally, the network interaction model introduction pedagogically - organizing conditions in the profile learning, having singled out and having analyzed by us, have been underlain of the network interaction model development, which is being corresponded with the given conditions, and it, moreover, will be checked during the experimental work.
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