Scientific journal
European Journal of Natural History
ISSN 2073-4972
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,301


Kovaleva O.I.

"Educational environment" means specific, task-oriented conditions of interaction between a unique inner (subjective) world of the developing personality and a real (objective) world and other people. It is aimed at discovering and developing the unlimited child abilities.

It sounds banal to say, that one of the main tasks of school is to create the best conditions for child´s development within the educational environment. At the same time, it should be mentioned, that school and all its structural elements are responsible for a safe personality development and its psychological health in conditions of a specific educational environment. That means, of course, that teachers need to participate in planning of the educational environment and conducting different diagnostic steps and examinations, which cannot be the goal and the main direction of education. Physical and moral health of students is one of the problems, which solution should not depend on social and political situation. This problem has long occupied leading scientists, and to some extent was solved in the praxis. Current crucial time in the history of our country is not an exception. In modern Russia, the general public is being growingly concerned with what many scientists and experts find very important: despite all harsh economic and social problems, dramatically worsening health of school children should not be ignored as it threatens the country´s future. One of the promising directions of public health improvement is currently a valeology movement. Despite the contradictory opinions, nobody doubts, that this humanistic idea tries to solve the questions, that are vitally important for each of us and the future of Russia. The current article focuses on the developing of methods for a human health evaluation, basing on the valeologic principles.

Developing the methods of student´s health evaluation according to Kiriy V.N. and Voinova V.B., it should be taken into account, that it consists of two different stages - creation of an individual psychophysiologic profile and continuing control on the basis of the revealed individual psychophysiologic qualities. Firstly, the profile should include the data about parents (genetic, social, economic and health condition), which could have considerably influenced the health of fetus and child after his birth. Further information concerns the pregnancy and childbearing, child´s development in the first months of life. At the same time, genetic analysis of the child should be carried out, which can be used for the future generations. As time goes, the profile should be updated with the personal physiologic, psychophysiologic and mental data; they should be latter specified during examinations and differentiated diagnostics. Theoretically, it is clear, that, on one hand, the data volume should be relatively big in order to provide enough information about a person. On the other hand, the information can never be complete, as it is impossible to acquire and use such a wide data range. That is why a minimal data range should be determined, which is sufficient for diagnostic, prognosis and correction tasks. The whole complex of these data, according to the above suggested approach, should be divided into two groups - individual physiologic and psychological qualities. The first group should include: anthropometric data; information on the main physiologic systems: locomotor, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urogenital, central nervous, sensory (visual, acoustic and others). The second group should include the information about the main mental processes (memory, attention, thinking) and personality (world view, attitudes to people, social growth and etc.). The first stage ends with the creation of the individual psychophysiologic profile is followed by the 2nd stage - use of physiologic and psychological information for a continuing student´s health evaluation. The health condition is determined during the examinations; their frequency depends on the age, health condition, activities, personal motivation and etc, but not less than once a year. The examinations are to be conducted at the specialized valeologic offices at schools, as well as at valeology centers in the home area. When a child begins to perceive himself as a personality, which happens in the elementary school years, the examination can also include the following questions: role of health in the individual system of values, student´s subjective opinion about his health condition and changes since the previous examination, somatic- и psychodiagnostics according to the above mentioned scheme. The results are then rated according to the age and gender standards (regional, professional or group norms, for example, norms of a school class) and presented on the following scale: с sufficient functional reserve - disturbed adaptation (with two intermediate states). It is important, that the valeologic diagnostics is flexible about the health ratings, as it combines a statistical approach with its limiting factors, which are applied to different social groups, and an individual approach, which considers specific personal parameters. Further complex health evaluation is conducted using the fuzzy-set theory, which let work with the qualitative (including linguistic) variables. The key step of this evaluation is to estimate the chances of a correction by means of an intersystem interaction, when some body´s systems deviate from a normal functioning state. Final evaluation is presented as an integral qualitative rating (according to the above mentioned scale used for specific body´s system evaluation), as well as in a detailed form. Before recommending a rehabilitation course or an additional examination in a clinic, person´s financial abilities should be cleared up. After the rehabilitation or treatment course, an extra unscheduled examination is to be conducted, in order to evaluate the results and give further recommendations. Generally, analyzing the examination results, one should consider the norms (age, sex, profession and etc.); individual psycho-physiological characteristics of the examined person (when creating a standardized individual psychophysiologic profile); individual dynamics of an age-specific integral health index (health quality) and condition of body´s systems; earlier rehabilitation or treatment courses and their results.

The work was submitted to international scientific conference «Modern education. Problems and solutions», Thailand, December, 20-30, 2009. Came to the editorial office on 05.10.2009.